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Everything posted by chakoo

  1. The more I see the marketing on this device. Since this seems to be positioned as a novelty toy more than anything, I get the feeling we might see a lot of 1 off variants on this with other games which might explain why there is only 4 games on it instead of a single unit with tons on them. =/ As said, play.date, Still in development. I tried to get one of the devkits and wasn't picked. (wanted to possibly do a music or fishing based game) This just happen a month ago.
  2. I should look through my GG collection to see how many of these titles I already have. =/ Nah Game Gear had some great games as it went into extending off what the Master System did. There are tons of games I found later that were great that I didn't even know about back when I had a GG as a kid. So if you look at it through the lens of GG vs GB/GBC vs Lynx it had some great stuff. The system just is not remembered very well due to the screen and amount of batteries it ate through.
  3. So saw the latest news. I still think this is cool but 4 games per unit at $50 is too low. It really should be 8-10 per unit at $40. Yet what do I know, it seems they've mostly sold out on amazon already. I get the feeling these might not leave japan but if they do they should really be for $40 and maybe change up the game selection (like make one all sonic, one a bunch of action games, one a bunch of disney games). Heck i'm a bit shocked there isn't a unit with shooters on it. GG Aleste 1 & 2 are quite popular and expensive games. I'll probably end up with the set sometime in the future. -edit- I should update an old point. This was not the huge famitsu scoop. That was actually cloud gaming for arcades. =/
  4. OMG !!! -edit- I just have to laugh at the absurd rumors going around about this announcement a few days ago. Some were saying it would be sega releasing the xb1x in japan under their brand.
  5. People should simply remind/tweet her every day that she is responsible for all this.
  6. Yeah. I also pointed out on Resetra a while back at the start that the Canadian dollar was not being as significantly dragged down by oil as it had in the past (as oil going negative should have hit us much harder than it did). So as things weaken in the US but slightly improve here is helping to boost the dollar.
  7. So with all the horrible shit going on in the world right now, There looks to be a tiny bright patch for canadians. The dollar has been on a solid recovery trajectory this week. So there is a good chance we might be able to recover back to north of 75c USD to 1 Cad. https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/CADUSD=X?p=CADUSD=X
  8. Well it's a start but I noticed AP only has 2 photos of the 6 officers in question which looks questionable.
  9. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-minneapolis-police-congress/u-s-lawmaker-prepares-bill-aiming-to-end-court-protection-for-police-idUSKBN23831W This won't go far but it's better then thoughts and prayers coming from other politicians.
  10. At the rate this is going, this country won't even make it till november. It's in freefall with no bottom in sight.
  11. At least please tell me when you take over you'll create a place in hell for that fat fuck of a cop in the video.
  12. Since congress has shown laws and decorum are meaningless, yeah this administration can pretty much do whatever they want.
  13. I never though I would be alive to see a modern day fall of rome.
  14. Maybe time for governors to offer free tickets to send protestors to the white house?
  15. Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious by now that the police in many cities want this to continue to escalate as cover for giving them the green light to further bust some heads without recourse.
  16. I mention this on Resetra but I noticed multiple groups of them yesterday in North York (near the ikea for those in TO) just walking in packs crossing streets and hanging out in the grass next to a large parking lot.
  17. I personally like it. I think reviewers hated that it was a SRPG and the difficulty spikes are harsh but the game had great music and visuals. It's one of the few PSP games I kept when I slimmed down. I think because I never played it in the arcades but I don't really think much for KoM 2. I probably will still buy it one day for Neo CD. I have a soft spot for the first one since It was common to find it in a MVS machine growing up so I did play it from time to time.
  18. Do you have XF for psp?
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