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Everything posted by Best

  1. I think you're more skilled than you are giving your self credit for. I spent two hours on the tutorial boss fight. Stepee says it get much harder after that. I stand no chance but that doesn't mean I'm giving up on the game.
  2. I had a wonderful day and stayed positive and thankful.
  3. Beat the boss on normal difficulty just by being more strategic which is so rewarding. This might be the best RPG I've played.
  4. Ok 👌 I don't mind grinding if it's just a little. Like I just grinded for 10 minutes and now everyone in my party is a level 11. Now I'm attempting the boss. If it's too difficult I will lower it to easy. Thanks
  5. Well I just read I need to be a level 11 for this boss and my party is level 10. I will see if I can grind.
  6. @Biggie @Bacon Do you have to grind in P5R? I was absolutely destroying enemies for the first 6 hours. Then the difficulty increased at a perfect pace and I was pleased. Now I reached the boss of the first palace and I had only a few shots at him before he unleashed hell on my entire party and they all died. One major attack. I have an opportunity to go through the palace right now and not activate the boss. So it would be a good time to level. My question is, is that what you're supposed to do? I've done everything correctly in this game and it's almost impossible to screw anything up.
  7. It was really fuckin good. I had two pieces. I'm full and now I'm chillin playing P5R.
  8. I thought this wasn't real until the thing blinks.
  9. That is so nice you have mods. Because I really like this game. The fact you're accomplishing what you have so far is really impressive to me.
  10. For a frozen pizza that looks pretty darn good. We decided to have pork, mashed potatoes, and hotdogs instead spending $100 at that new chicken restaurant. I just ate 3 hotdogs, 2 servings of mashed potatoes, and pork. I'll be eating ice cream cake shortly.
  11. Well I finally died once. So that was nice. I then strategized and beat the fucker who got me. I cannot stop playing this game. It's easily the best JRPG I've played. Granted I haven't played many but this game is absolutely addicting and brilliant. The music is spectacular and the art style is stunning. Especially on the Oled deck. I put in 9 hours in less than a day.
  12. Yea. That's my reason to just keep it at normal. 100 hours is intimidating but I haven't been this hooked in a story and characters in some time. It's perfect to play on the deck because when I play this it last for a long game session. I have my bed setup so nice to relax and get lost in this world. I really hope it keeps me interested because I keep reading just how special this game is.
  13. @stepee I played P5R from 1am to 5am. I was having an issue sleeping but this game is really good. My only gripe right now is that it's super easy. Did you say you will focus on this after Starfield?
  14. No but I've been having issues with it saying unable to connect to server.
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