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Everything posted by AlwaysDyingX

  1. Its amazing and such a wonderful thing how pets become such a large part of our lives and really do become part of the "family" dynamic. Never forget the great times and know that you are doing the right thing in not prolonging his suffering. It's such a tough decision but it's selfless on you and his moms part. I wish I knew what more to say but I don't feel like crying at work. It's going to be a rough few weeks, stay strong and allow yourself to grieve
  2. Fed Ex hasn't updated in over 24 hours. I'm guessing their target delivery of today will not be met. Not totally surprised.
  3. According to FedEx website it now shows tomorrow.
  4. If anyone sees any storage sales during the Amazon Prime sale please let me know. I originally was going to sell it but I might as well keep it. It's only money right?
  5. Does anyone know if you need to be online all the time with it?
  6. Bro you put bedroom furniture on a payment plan #Poor
  7. Also Best right now? I didn't realize he made so much money. He made it sound like he lives paycheck to paycheck on Discord
  8. Usually (but not always) that's the age white men stop shooting up schools, malls, etc.
  9. Not once. Waiting for the rectal test kits to test myself daily
  10. I share an office and a vehicle with someone who has had it twice. I've yet to catch it lol.
  11. Nope. Required at work and wont even wear one there. At work we had a bunch of people within the last two weeks all test positive and had cold like symptoms. I was around all these individuals for long periods of time and I got nothing, Superior German genes I guess. Wash your hands and don't let anyone cough directly in your mouth. Mask don't do shit. Especially since no one wears them correctly anyways
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