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Everything posted by outsida

  1. Regarding inflation, you can tell your dad that the US has the lowest inflation amount G7 nations.
  2. Trump is already crying about the judge and he hasn’t been before her yet.
  3. Anytime people talk about silicon based life I imagine ET coughing up sand. 🤷
  4. WTF? To play along, if they ‘paused’ for 10 days, then there are recounts. What happens next, how long does it take? This seems like a ploy to open more opportunities to unlawfully steal the election. A president would be sworn in on January 20th, no ifs ands or buts, and it wouldn’t be Trump. It would have been Nancy for the full 4 year term.
  5. I knew Giuliani had flipped when he copped to lying in the Georgia election workers Civil case.
  6. Pandemic deaths in Ohio and Florida show partisan divide after vaccine rollout ARSTECHNICA.COM The death gap between Democrats and Republicans was larger in counties with lower vaccination rates. Once again the party of face mauling panthers is shocked when the panther mauls their face.
  7. White america, no need to feel guilty black people LOVED being slaves! -Thomas Sowell
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