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Court Jester
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Posts posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. 4 hours ago, legend said:


    The tech they are working on is indeed cool, and I appreciate that as a programmer. But the whole thing just feels rather dishonest if they're basically doing CS research in game simulation, since they sold themselves as making a game.

    You are corrrect. While in previous years I Defended this project on the hope that it would indeed yield a focused result. I’ve since abandoned that view and moved to the pre iously stayed one. It’s not that I don’t think a proper game(s) will emerge from this effort, I just now think it will be 3 years late and not as impressive as it once was. A shame, but at least the we are likely to several new studios pop up as people spin off from this huge bridge to...somewhere?

  2. 2 minutes ago, legend said:


    Honestly, it's pretty irritating to see this though. Not because it's isn't kind of neat, but because this should be lowest fucking priority in terms of development resources. It's not like the game is done programming-wise and the developers have time to to play around with ideas. I can't help but feel this is just another indicator of the poor management.

    I’ve stopped thinking of this as a game and starting thinking of it as a game designer and programmer training course! All of this talent will make games for years to come and they will bring forward this experience whether or not this particular endeavor ever comes to anything cohesively enjoyable. It’s worrying if you are still wanting a game from this expedition, the tech cultivation ramifications will be with us for years to come! They’re pushing the edge in lots of ways, which means their is a 50/50 that they will fall off of that edge! :p

    • stepee 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Biggie said:

    Me too!  I’ll be downloading it for sure. 

    Right on man! I have 7 hours of flight ahead of me before I can though. Sitting at the Las Vegas airport,  sucking down half ass coffee, waiting on my plane...yippeee....

  4. 12 hours ago, stepee said:

    Picked up the digital switch version (much better deal unless you really need the toys, get a lot more ships, characters, weapons, and $15 cheaper)


    Its pretty impressive for a switch game, big open worlds, flying in and out of planets with no loading. Still super early in but space combat and “ground” combat both are fun.


    It’s a very ubi game with lots of stuff popping up on your map. The starfox element is great, it’s not just like a cameo or one mission, it’s fully integrated for the whole thing so you can just pretend it’s a new Starfox that is open world.


    No comment on the toys since I went digital but @Alpha1Cowboy could probably talk about that.

    Whelp, sounds like I need this! 

    • stepee 1
  5. Hit the friedmont experience last night and watched a lady raccoon a series of trash recepticals, sniffing each before finding what she was looking for. A half consumed solo cup of beer that had not tipped over! She literally did a little jig to commemorate her lucky find and proceeded to greedily gulp that cup of backwash down! Yummy! :sick:

    • Sad 2
  6. 1 hour ago, brucoe said:

    In the old days, I used to be able to eat pretty much everywhere and it was really affordable. They've changed all that now as they realized there was a profit in ripping off people for food prices while they're losing their money on everything else.

    All true! My total for a two egg omelet and coffee this morning was 35.00 dollars. I just had a burger and fries for a cool 28.00, what a bargain! 

  7. 9 hours ago, Keyser_Soze said:

    Go to the gold coast buffet!

    We have a bargain hunter folks! 

    5 hours ago, Jason said:

    Have or hate? 


    Try the devil's lettuce while you're there. 

    Which works best for you in context! I’ve dance to the devil’s lettuce in 20 some odd states in our imperfect union, why not one more!

    4 hours ago, Boyle5150 said:

    There are some pretty cool hiking destinations there. 

    Red rock canyon buddy, i’ll Be there Tuesday! 

  8. 3 day conference in gamble town. Sitting on the tarmac in philly waiting to depart. My son woke up at 4am to see me off and to tell me to not die. Good call little man, good call! 


    I haven’t been to Vegas for 10 years now, anything new and exciting I must see or do? I should note, I’m not a gambler at all. @Jason , yes I have most games of chance and cards! ?

  9. 21 hours ago, stepee said:

    @Mr.Vic20 curious what you have your core clock and memory set at? I think I’m at like +147/+350 memory atm. Seems to get it around 2000mhz, but wouldn’t mind getting the heat even lower, did you mess with voltage at all?


    And yeah, can’t believe how silent this damn thing is! Between that and much better heat management especially with extreme overclocking, nvidia actually released a damn fine reference design this time around.

    I’m +175/+300, which is definitely playing on the high end for this card, but it runs like champ! I’m running a 8086K at 5.0 on all cores, but the best part is that with my AIO loop, it hasn’t broken above 75C and the fans are s set to silent so they never break over 1200rpm/19db at max sustained load. The whole rig makes next to no noise. Lovely! 

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