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Court Jester
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Posts posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Just now, stepee said:


    Damn, game is rough on hardware! Is that with AA on? I’ll probably dial stuff back enough to hit 60fps with drops, or maybe just something like a 2052p should do it!

    Yeah that's with "all sliders as to the right as they can go". :p What is curious to me is that dropping AA and even putting shadows down a notch didn't seem to fix the issue. You'll have to tell me your results! 

  2. Just now, stepee said:


    Yeah while for non insane gamers like you with a V, it’s a big bump in max, the minimum is almost more impressive from what I’ve seen! Speaking of ubi, have you tried Odyssey yet? And by 200mhz clock do you mean 2000mhz target or that you did a +200mhz? What did you set for memory?

    Right, yes that probably was confusing, to be clear I'm hitting 2000Ghz on the core, stable! How do I know its stable? I ran a 10 hour marathon (pun intended!) of AC Odyssey yesterday and the rig ran it quietly and smoothly! Some reality though, Ubi open world games have always run like ass, and Odyssey is no different! While I typically get around 55fps maxed out in 4K, I've seen the occasional dips into the 40s and even a moment when its was 32fps! To the games credit though, some of the draw distances are simply awe inspiring! Great game! Seriously, I love this game! 

  3. 14 minutes ago, stepee said:

    @Mr.Vic20 you try it yet?! Mine is out on the truck for delivery!!

    You know what?! After all of this waiting, and all of our discussion in the interim, I failed to mention I've had mine operating happily since Friday morning! :lol: I LOVE THIS CARD! First, it quiet as hell, and even with a 200Mhz core OC (yup, that's right!) it has not gone above 80C!  That is amazing! Now, Going from a Titan V to this means the jump was always going to be modest at best! That said, I'm happy to report that while the card is honestly only about 5-8fps faster than the V in most games, its real benefit is its minimum frame rate, which is consistently better than the V was and contributes to less wild frame rate swings, resulting in a smoother experience even when KNOW OFFENDER'S GAMES (read: Ubisoft) run like ass! :sun:

  4. 1 minute ago, Scott said:

    Ultimately, I agree. But I will say this: many right-leaning folks I know seem to spit venom when they even mention "liberals." And that position of bitterness has nothing to do with actual left/right policy. They don't find slightly higher taxes or curbed military spending distasteful - it's the other shit like this. It's the PC culture, the marches, the pussy hats, the stand up comedians. It's all part of a culture that serves to divide us. I don't really know what the answer is, other than everyone shutting the fuck up every once in a while and not being so g'damned annoying all the time, but I know that this stuff isn't helping.

    It will take generations to learn to listen to and react proportionally to the cacophony that is the internet. Much of what we are seeing is simply painful adaptation from great change exploding on generations of people who are very comfortable with false world views getting to witness just how diverse and alive this planet really is. Its terrifying and overwhelming to take it all in, so many simply don't. They draw a line in the sand and say, "this is like me, and this isn't, and only one is good!"  Its a very economical way to process all the stimuli, but its hardly accurate or humanly decent, for that matter. 

  5. 1 minute ago, Chairslinger said:



    It seems like a waste of time to cgi Trump doing something embarrassing.


    Give him a minute, and he'll give you all the material you need.

    Agreed! There is a debate raging about this video though! Is that toilet paper or is it a McDonald's napkin?! We report, you decide! :sun:

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