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Greek military placed on "high alert" as tensions with Turkey rise

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Dispute over exploration of energy reserves in eastern Mediterranean escalates


Greece has placed its military forces on high alert, recalling its naval and air force offers from holiday, as tensions with Turkey over exploration of potentially lucrative offshore energy reserves escalate in the eastern Mediterranean.


With Ankara dispatching the Oruç Reis, a drillship escorted by gunboats, to conduct seismic research in contested waters, Athens stepped up calls for Turkey to stop the “illegal” activities, intensifying a diplomatic offensive that has prompted the US, EU, France and Israel to express their growing anxiety over the situation.


“Our country does not threaten [anyone], but nor can it be blackmailed,” the Greek prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, told the nation on Wednesday night. “Let it be known to all: the risk of an accident lies in wait when so many military forces gather in a limited area


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