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Magic Leap has reportedly sold only 6,000 headsets after raising $2.6 billion

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I'm still trying to figure out their target audience. Hololens is even more expensive, but they're very specifically shooting for the corporate market. I think Magic Leap is shooting for the same market with a cheaper device that is, by many impressions, better than Microsoft's offering. However, they're also selling the Magic Leap headset at retail...for...reasons...? They also spent a lot of time working on gaming and other entertainment applications, which is...a thing they're working on...also for reasons. Also, their next headset will have 5G because...I have no idea.


This first headset was never going to be a mass market product. Still, even for a dev kit that's pretty low.


It seemed obvious to me that they were sunk when it became obvious that their AR display wasn't really any better than what MS had. Their entire valuation was based on the idea that their display was that much better, and it just isn't.


It doesn't help that...
a) many companies bought hololens for them to sit around collecting dust other than when someone wants to try one out so were less willing to buy a leapmotion kit
b) Their big ploy was their work into light field displays but yet this device doesn't use what they were pitching
c) A lot of the fuckery they were pulling when kits were starting to be made available yet the hoops they put in place with trying to order them put a lot off.  

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