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Macbook questions

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I just got my first mac so here is where I ask you guys questions and someone answers me.


First: I saw some command line thing to turn on/off metal overlay to monitor performance. Is there an easier way? A program like how I use msi afterburner on pc? I tried using steam overlay for those games and it doesn’t work. 

This seems to be reasonably capable for games actually but it’s hard to figure out exactly where it sits and to set games if I’m in the dark on the actual performance especially since the display is 120hz vrr. 


Second: Seems like there is no power increase when plugging in unlike a windows laptop, I guess cuz its arm. This is actually a good thing as the other way to say it is that there is no power decrease on battery. Just confirming that’s right and there is no special turbo mode you can set to have it draw more power?


Third: Anyone use crossover? Worth the money?


Fourth: Anyone have a good dock recommendation or any other accessory recommendations? Any slim case reccs for bringing in your travel bag?


Fifth: Can you run steam games off external ssd/micro sd?



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3 minutes ago, Biggie said:

Sorry I don’t know the answer to any of those questions. But I am super jelly of your new Apple toys and hope you have fun!!!


I’m pretty impressed with gaming on this m3 pro chip - if the oled ipad has a m3 pro option that would be bonkers. Seems to run BG3 well at maxed settings/1080p!

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First: I assume you could use Automator to make a script for your terminal commands and keep it on your desktop, someplace handy, or named something unique so Spotlight could find it. if you know the Terminal commands I'd just google how to use Automator to do what you want and you should find it pretty easily


Second: I don't think performance boost while plugged in is a thing on MacOS


Third: I haven't used it, so no comment there


Fourth: If you're just looking for something to keep it safe when you're tossing it in your bag, I usually roll with cheaper stuff on amazon that I don't feel bad abusing. For a dock, depends on your setup and how you wanna use it, if you're looking for Thunderbolt connections, the number of displays, if you want the dock itself to be portable, etc. Current MacBook Pros have been nice and I haven't felt compelled to accessorize mine other than a mouse now that they all have ports / slots beyond USB C again


Fifth: Yes

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28 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

Second: I don't think performance boost while plugged in is a thing on MacOS


They don't boost while plugged in. They do boost, in general, whether plugged in or not, but I've never seen it to the degree AMD and Intel boost their CPUs. The bigger issue is thermal throttling with some Macbook Airs not having active cooling compared to the same chips in the MacBook Pro that do have active cooling.

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49 minutes ago, Kal-El814 said:

First: I assume you could use Automator to make a script for your terminal commands and keep it on your desktop, someplace handy, or named something unique so Spotlight could find it. if you know the Terminal commands I'd just google how to use Automator to do what you want and you should find it pretty easily


Second: I don't think performance boost while plugged in is a thing on MacOS


Third: I haven't used it, so no comment there


Fourth: If you're just looking for something to keep it safe when you're tossing it in your bag, I usually roll with cheaper stuff on amazon that I don't feel bad abusing. For a dock, depends on your setup and how you wanna use it, if you're looking for Thunderbolt connections, the number of displays, if you want the dock itself to be portable, etc. Current MacBook Pros have been nice and I haven't felt compelled to accessorize mine other than a mouse now that they all have ports / slots beyond USB C again


Fifth: Yes


The answer to #1 seems sooo hard still. I’m surprised there isn’t a program for this. Good idea to just get something cheap the protects it that can get banged up. 


For the dock, it already has hdmi, three usb/thunderbolt, and a micro sd reader and I’m not connecting monitors to it so it’s really just gigabit ethernet and maybe some usb A ports so I don’t need to use converters. I’m sure I can just amazon something but was wondering if anyone had recommendations because i’ve also had bad luck with some docks off Amazon.

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19 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


They don't boost while plugged in. They do boost, in general, whether plugged in or not, but I've never seen it to the degree AMD and Intel boost their CPUs. The bigger issue is thermal throttling with some Macbook Airs not having active cooling compared to the same chips in the MacBook Pro that do have active cooling.


Oh yeah it will definitely start reving the fan up after benchmarking something like Deus Ex MD or RE4. Just not used to it being the same plugged in or not. I like that though. I like my gaming laptop and it’s crazy when plugged in, but it lasts like 30 minutes of poor performance when I unplug the brick.

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3 minutes ago, stepee said:

Oh yeah it will definitely start reving the fan up after benchmarking something like Deus Ex MD or RE4. Just not used to it being the same plugged in or not. I like that though. I like my gaming laptop and it’s crazy when plugged in, but it lasts like 30 minutes of poor performance when I unplug the brick.


That sounds right. I've never tried gaming on my M2 Mac Mini, but I do have an M1 Mac Mini that I use as a dedicated emulation PC attached to an old CRT I have. Apple's cooling solutions on their laptops aren't great these days. I blame it on their desperate attempts to hide the air vents. I found my M1 Macbook Pro with active cooling thermal throttled far sooner than my M1 Mac Mini. I'm assuming that's because the Mini has a nice big vent on its rear.

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34 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:


That sounds right. I've never tried gaming on my M2 Mac Mini, but I do have an M1 Mac Mini that I use as a dedicated emulation PC attached to an old CRT I have. Apple's cooling solutions on their laptops aren't great these days. I blame it on their desperate attempts to hide the air vents. I found my M1 Macbook Pro with active cooling thermal throttled far sooner than my M1 Mac Mini. I'm assuming that's because the Mini has a nice big vent on its rear.


It seems to be silent when doing anything that isn’t trying to run a game with high settings. It’s hard to fault it making some noise then as I don’t know a device that can run something like RE4make with high settings without making some fan noise. But I did think it would be a little quieter since it’s arm and I imagine the new ipads will be quiet and have a similar chip. 

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9 minutes ago, stepee said:


It seems to be silent when doing anything that isn’t trying to run a game with high settings. It’s hard to fault it making some noise then as I don’t know a device that can run something like RE4make with high settings without making some fan noise. But I did think it would be a little quieter since it’s arm and I imagine the new ipads will be quiet and have a similar chip. 


The iPads should be as silent as a Macbook Air. There's just no fan to make noise. The M-series CPUs don't NEED active cooling. They can get by with just some thermal paste and a head spreader. They'll just thermal throttle a lot sooner.

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