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Kentucky lawmakers send bipartisan election bill to governor that relaxes voting laws

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The governor is Democratic and the legislature is Republican. The Kentucky House voted for this by a vote of 91-3.



The measure passed the Republican-led House with overwhelming bipartisan support.




The Kentucky legislation, by contrast, would relax pre-pandemic voting law to make it easier to vote. It would allow counties to establish vote centers, where any voter in the county could vote regardless of precinct. It would maintain an online portal for Kentuckians to request a mail-in ballot but keep existing restrictions on who can vote by mail.

On the election security side, the bill would result in the statewide transition toward universal paper ballots to guarantee a paper audit trail. It enhances the ability of state election officials to remove nonresident voters from voter rolls. It expressly prohibits and penalizes ballot harvesting, the practice of collecting ballots from likely supporters and returning them to election offices.



Kentucky is accustomed to bare-knuckled partisan fights, but the tone among lawmakers was mild as they discussed the election bill — especially compared to the bitter debates on election law changes in other states. It echoed the tone set for last year's elections, when Beshear and Adams hashed out emergency voting measures during the pandemic that helped Kentucky largely avoid the long lines and other problems encountered elsewhere.


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1 hour ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

These seem fine but I am always concerned about voter roll purges



It expressly prohibits and penalizes ballot harvesting, the practice of collecting ballots from likely supporters and returning them to election offices.


This part seems bad because it's probably going to wind up nailing people who help the elderly/etc get their ballots in.

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12 minutes ago, b_m_b_m_b_m said:

The alternative is brining these people to the ballot boxes or mailing the ballots via usps so it's not like there are no options. Not ideal but it's a far cry from the GA laws


Why do you want to brine old people? :s

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