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Everything posted by GoldenTongue

  1. Sadly, it seems like the groundwork is being laid. Let the Blue Wave put Dems in control of Congress and give us two years of nothing substantive, for Trump to use as the basis for his campaign strategy.
  2. A valid argument in a society where minors are never charged as adults. I'm inclined to agree with the spirit of your argument to an extent, but I have a problem with how you're presenting it here.
  3. Awesome article...there are several in there that are still on my bucket list, and I feel like I need to revisit INSIDE MAN (wasn't a huge fan when I saw it in theaters). I'd actually forgotten that 25th HOUR was one of Lee's - absolutely love that movie.
  4. Was so looking forward to seeing it this weekend, but the wife is sick, and was less than enthusiastic about the notion of me going to see it alone...not that I put it out there.
  5. Yeah - this latest nugget (and you know there have to be others out there) hasn;t really changed my feelings about the issue, beyond feeling increasingly annoyed by everyone who feels as though its their mission to "save" Gunn or GottG3. Curious if these photos are/were really as readily accessible as the articles suggest.
  6. ANT MAN and its sequel were both wonderful, innocuous fun. Both were a refreshing MCU change of pace, serving as followups to overwrought tentpole failures. I'm almost inclined to say that AM and AM&TW were the best MCU movies of their years, but BLACK PANTHER makes that a tenuous position to hold.
  7. 20 MCU movies in the past ten years, as part of a very deliberately constructed shared universe. How many Marvel comics in that same timeframe, bound to the same constraints? Is there a legitimate apples to apples comparison to be made here? Anything could happen - the DCEU could be a towering cinematic achievment but for a handful of mis-steps at the exec level. Bringing X-Men, F4, etc. could make the MCU really special, or result in a few more flicks that reinforce the notion that the MCU is a mile wide and an inch deep.
  8. As a Ravens fan, I'm not sure which is more intolerable: Lewis' schtick, or the disturbing number(s) of Ravens fan who've drunk the Koolaid.
  9. A bit...although it isn't quite self-serving enough to ring as true SFLU... But in all honesty, the cap should go, and (imho) there should be a 7.5% increase split between employer and employee. It's genuinely horrifying that a fundamental breakdown in SS could begin concurrently with the "retirement" of the first generation for whom the traditional pension does not exist.
  10. But but but...I enjoy the articifical pay bump I get every year once I hit the federal cap.
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