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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. About the likelihood that Hillary would win in 2016! What could possibly go wrong?
  2. Who in the actual fuck think we're doing too much to combat climate change? And that climate isn't even in the top ten issues is just wonderful
  3. For shits and giggles I wanted to see the hours of dmv locations around Milwaukee, and the only ones that had weekend/non standard hours were on the opposite side of town from the large non-white south/Southwest part of town. These were mostly on the north/northwest part of town which seems to have quite a few non-white people, but they're far enough out in the suburbs to be a real bitch to get to by bus or even driving from the south of town where the density is far greater.
  4. https://amp.thedailybeast.com/resistance-twitter-star-seth-abramson-wants-to-turn-his-threads-into-a-book?__twitter_impression=true @SFLUFAN
  5. I take back what I said. It will change the mind of the Jeff flakes of the world for a few days, before the news cycle changes again and then they're back on the Trump train, so long as it means tax cuts for the wealthy
  6. Sky is blue, Trump totally said the n word, grass is green. All of these are facts which will change no one's opinion of the man.
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