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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Nothing like a snuff film brought to you by the state to bring Americans together
  2. Ah, will morningconsult is generally a good pollster per 538
  3. It's how so many presidential approval/policy agreement polls are reported as well. Strongly/somewhat approve or disapprove are lumped together. This is so common.
  4. Looking at Fairfax's opening pitch for governor next year
  5. It gets better, the guy running it is a total barr hatchet man
  6. Susan Collins, and anyone in any sort of power, doesn't give a single fuck about being ratioed. All it's doing is annoying a staffer who runs the Twitter account.
  7. That's a terrible question. What are the odds that many Americans know what supplement means?!?
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