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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. Part of her legacy is her failure to grapple with her mortality and finding a likely/less risky point to retire rather than risk elections: 2014 midterms, 2016 presidential, 2016 senate elections at minimum. That her entire legal legacy is now in question because of her unwillingness to retire and hand pick a successor doesn't bode well!
  2. These republicans have shown and told us time and time again exactly who they are, their actions are independent of their electoral chances in 50 days. I'd love to be wrong though!
  3. House Dems have immense leverage here. Who wants to bet they don't use it?
  4. If you don't think every single one of these republicans are against going down with the ship you've got another thing coming. This is the culmination of the conservative project of the past decade+!
  5. What's wrong with an ever expanding court? Like honestly someone spell this out, because it seems to me if you have both houses and the presidency, (and this doesn't happen or last very long) then you generally have the popular will on your side. Further, I'd say that the norm against expanding the court is more dangerous in this respect because it encourages this gamesmanship to put the youngest ideologue on the bench as possible so long as you only have the right two of the three key parts, and not the one house or branch that is most representative of the popular will. I mean, just think, when have the trifectas occurred? Just in my lifetime 91-93, 03-07, 09-11, 17-19. Before that, 77-81 and 67-69. So about once a decade for the past 60 years. That beats the living fuck out of the next 20-30 years guaranteed to hope for Roberts or Kav to choke on a pretzel or alcohol poisoning, respectively, or something else. I dunno, maybe thomas kicks it next year and we're back to 5-4 instead of 6-3. It's still on the losing end, and the golden nuggets of hope are fewer and further between anyway. And if it becomes more frequent to seesaw back and fourth from trifecta to not more frequently, the better. And with climate change, we don't have 20-30 years for these people to quit or die. This is a political institution, it should respond to politics. And it's not like they really make law, the institution by design is reactive. Lastly, if you look at what Mitch has done since 2015 in terms of not filling vacancies, then filling them with utmost haste from 2017 onward, and not see it as packing the courts, you're a fucking moron, a damn fool. The courts are now packed, top to bottom. A full quarter of I believe the appellate courts are trump appointments. Now what are we going to do about it? Wait 30 years?
  6. Everything you didn’t even think you wanted to know about Supreme Court retirements - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM Inside the mind of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. John paul stephens knows what's up
  7. Maybe don't bet on your health when you're an 80+ cancer survivor. If not trump it could have been rubio or cruz!
  8. Hell yeah free up votes gimmie that winning the day trophy right into my veins
  9. http://www.reuters.com//article/_next/static/images/favicon-196x196-052cc719f1ac872e3544e51801338b46.png U.S. Justice Ginsburg hits back at liberals who want her to retire | Reuters WWW.REUTERS.COM U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has a message for liberals who have been saying the 81-year-old should step down while Democratic President Barack Obama is in office so... I'm not dying on a hill to defend this shit
  10. I'll be more clear: all olds should be forced out of office, including justice byrer
  11. You're right, 80+ year olds who have already had cancer should continue to work and their decisions to continue to do so are beyond reproach
  12. Not allowed to criticize unless you've voted straight Democrat since you turned 18, like me, Mr perfect
  13. The debt system (and all associated paperwork) also keeps out people who don't know their way around a FAFSA or any other cultural shit related to college.
  14. If theory covid related shit and a CR for the government shutdown avoidance
  15. Nah, fuck RBG this is what happens when you put ego ahead of practicality
  16. Any left project, save one that emerges from the ashes of civil war, is doomed in the face of a conservative court.
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