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Everything posted by b_m_b_m_b_m

  1. I never fear them driving my van. Because no one is going to car jack a damn minivan lmao
  2. Been there done that. Dairy farm. Shoveled cow shit and un/hooked the milking cows to the milking machines. Never got shit or pissed on which was a minor miracle. Do not recommend. There’s a reason I don’t really complain about my white collar bullshit jobs lol.
  3. Same. When I worked fast food I hated doing register because I couldn’t distract myself from the fact that my feet were killing me. Now I have an adjustable desk and I should really use it more but I can’t stand standing still for so long I’ll end up doing something else
  4. I mean I’m in a position where I have to stop, collaborate, and listen so one or the other is the way to go. I agree with different roles in general especially in many IT jobs you don’t need to be in person
  5. I’m of the opinion you either need to be fully remote or not (with some flexibility because life happens) because hybrid has been for me “go to the office and get on a teams meeting anyway” even for people on the same floor or building.
  6. Kagan clearly reads the Atlantic and is brain poisoned. sotomayer once again is correct
  7. “Funny” how it all comes back to the constitutional lynchpin of scotus
  8. The LT. governor of Virginia, the first Black woman to hold the role, said at the nra bullshit that we can blame lack of prayer in schools and “pandemic safety protocols” for the shooting
  9. Shall not infringe my friend. This would be an effective tax on gun ownership. Say hello scotus and goodbye insurance requirement. and change to the left of the status quo requires a reconfiguration of the Supreme Court. No other way to go about these things!
  10. Take all the rope in Texas Find a tall oak tree Round up all of them bad boys And hang 'em high in the street For all the people to see Great verse from an average pop country song. Springs to mind now for no reason at all whatsoever
  11. Things keep going the way it seems to me cops are gonna cut these guys loose like they did with George Floyd’s murderer to try and save face for the profession
  12. One of the comments said they might have switched to a tactical channel which I assume is where they ordered Quiznos or something cause they didn’t seem to do fuck all else
  13. Doj should open an investigation as well. By failing to act or acting appropriately police have denied these children and their teachers their civil rights. Feds can step in and do something about that. Even if nothing can be done because of the right wing courts DO SOMETHING
  14. I’ve had to call animal control for a wild, injured animal and they got to me in about an hour, and they humanely removed the injured raccoon from my property. I’ve contacted the public works department because a tree fell during a storm and was completely blocking the road and the road was clear in under 3 hours after I called. My neighbor, who is the neighborhood association liaison for our council rep, called the cops because there were nearby gunshots and heard nothing from those lazy pieces of shit for over 4 hours. That’s when they arrived on scene. government isn’t the problem it’s the fucking cops
  15. The nra doesn’t have much money to throw around right now republicans are doing this because they believe it
  16. Cops are cowards. Teachers are the ones who time and again do everything in their power to protect their students. You saw it here, you saw it at Virginia tech where a ducking holocaust survivor did what was needed to protect his students and probably more elsewhere
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