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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. You know what else Obama won before he won the general election? The Democratic Primary. He proved he was a better general election nominee than Hillary by beating her in the primary... what does that have to do with what is being discussed now? Maybe "They" were... I wasn't.
  2. Yeah that statement was more talking about the upcoming election and what I'm hearing and seeing online. Bernie supporters are most definitely threatening to sit this one out and you see it more and more everyday that they come to the realization that Bernie isn't the nominee. A lot of my friends on social media are Bernie supporters so maybe my perspective is skewed, but that's what I'm seeing and that's what I was addressing. Biden is doing better than Bernie in EVERY DEMOGRAPHIC except for voters under 45 and Latinos... not just Black people and this is why I think Biden makes a better general election candidate than Bernie. Simple reason is that he's not an "other" to Middle America he's one of them and he's a comfortable alternative for a lot of folks who on the one hand, don't like Trump personally but on the other hand, ARE afraid that the country is changing too much too fast and that they and people like them are under attack.
  3. You're arguing against a point that I'm not even making... I'm not blaming Progressives for the Dems or Hillary losing. I don't even know where that idea is coming from. I've blamed a WHOLE HOST of reasons for Hillary losing and progressives sitting the election out isn't even in my top ten. What I'm criticizing progressives for is not supporting their guy when it counts. If Bernie is the best choice the why isn't that showing at the polls? There seems to be a distinct disconnect between the fervor of his supporters online and what happens at the polls. Bernie's whole argument was that he could mobilize the youth vote and build a coalition of working class folks, minorities and progressives to beat Trump and usher in a new age in this country. Why isn't that happening? And thanks for the clarification.. I'm not trying to get into any personal back and forths with you or anybody else here so if that's where this conversation is heading, I'll bow out now
  4. Umm no shit... which is why most folks I know always approach these elections as a choice between two evils and choosing the lesser one. Not arguing there... but why isn't Bernie winning then? He can't even make the money argument because Biden beat him in states where he was not only outspent by Bernie, he didn't even campaign there. It's possible, but at this point what are you basing this on? Bernie is losing to Biden across a WIDE RANGE of Demographics in these primary contests so how does that translate to him being a better general elections candidate exactly? I'm not being sarcastic. And also are we writing Bernie off at this point? Joe has momentum but is it really a foregone conclusion at this point?
  5. Dude, I'm not addressing any of what I said at you directly and I'm not making this personal despite the subtle digs you threw at me. I don't know your history and didn't presume that I did. YOU'RE the one that told my what my line of thinking was.
  6. Have we? My line of thinking is to support the nominee even if it's not my preferred guy not take my ball and go home when I don't get everything I want. That's my line of thinking. If I thought that Bernie not only could win in the general, but that he could actually accomplish ONE THIRD of what he's promising I would be more enthusiastic about is candidacy. But this primary season is turning out pretty much the way I thought it would so far and if he's having trouble beating Joe Biden who was basically out of money before South Carolina and wasn't and still isn't attacking him directly, how would he do against Trump in the general? I'm not convinced that ANY of these candidates can beat Trump, but I have always believed that of this crop? Biden had the best chance for a bunch of reasons. As far as the issues... you think elections in this country are won on issues? I thought we established several pages back that most folks have NO IDEA what the issues are much less what their personal positions on those issues are. I would think that the composition of the Supreme Court ALONE would be enough for the Progressive left to fight tooth and nail to not lose this election but I haven't even seen the issue come up from the Bernie side of things. Mostly what I'm hearing is how terrible the rest of the Democratic party is. Interesting strategy to gain support.
  7. Really? Because I feel like a lot of "progressives" are more interested in winning arguments and not elections... which have CONSEQUENCES. It's a luxury to be able to say "I'll sit this election out because my guy didn't get the nomination and I'll try again in four years." Meanwhile The Right regains power, and undos what little progress HAS been made and shifts the country further to the right and the circle repeats.
  8. There's new enemies patrolling the map now as well which bring new tactics. I think it's the Mercenary group that takes over.
  9. The problem with Warren is that she is in her 70's as well... If she's his running mate (which I have no problem with) wouldn't the be the oldest ticket in history? Is there a person like that out there? I know folks are mentioning Stacy Abrams, but are there other young progressives out there that I'm not aware of that would fit the bill?
  10. Honestly... I don't even know how to respond to this post. Let me think on this for a bit because there's a decent amount to unpack here
  11. I was under the understanding that the youth vote was DOWN in the Democratic primaries so for this season and that is the main reason why Bernie didn't do better on Super Tuesday. The Youth Vote Goes Missing in the Democratic Primaries Super Tuesday: Why Didn't More People Vote? If someone has info that contradicts this please let me know because that is not what my understanding has been. Warren and Bernie, I'll give you but Kamala? As far as I know ( and I could be wrong) black folks weren't fucking with her especially progressive, black millennials. Her record as a Prosecutor in Oakland did her in amongst young black progressives and no one was buying her trying to rebrand herself as a "Progressive Prosecutor". I've defended her in enough social media circles to know that black folks ain't feeling Kamala and I don't know what picking her as his running mate really does for Biden. It's not gonna gain him much from black progressive millennials. They'd prefer Stacy Abrams. I don't know if this is directed at me or not but I hope I haven't given the impression that I think black people hate Bernie or that I myself hate him. One of my closest friends, my ex-girlfriend and a BUNCH of other people I know are ALL Bernie supporters. I don't have a problem with Bernie either and I would vote for him if he's the nominee... I just don't see him winning against Trump for a whole HOST of reasons and even if he did, I don't see him accomplishing one THIRD of the stuff he's promising. Me and Bernie are cool... a good chunk of his supporters can go fuck themselves though.
  12. How young? Under 30? Because the youth vote seems to be down amongst ALL demos this year while going up vs the others.
  13. Dude on my Facebook basically said that black folks are voting out of emotion for Biden which is so weird to me because the knock against Biden's support is that it ISN'T passionate and that Bernie is the one that has passionate supporters. I asked him that how does he expect Bernie to unite the party if he's the nominee if all his supporters do is belittle and insult the rest of the party? He ignored the question.
  14. National Organization of Women Urges Elizabeth Warren NOT to Endorse Bernie Sanders oh dear... this ain't gonna be pretty.
  15. Yeah this has been discussed a lot in Black social media... they attacked this group after one of them came to the defense of Ava Duvernay when she expressed support for Warren as well. Working families party staffers face harassment after Warren endorsement Ava Duvernay receives Death Threats from Bernie supporters. By the way, a lot of these Bernie supporters that attacked Duvernay were black or at least their online personas made them appear to be. So while race plays a part it's not as simple as that. Some of this stuff could be Russian bots and Right wing groups posing as Bernie supporters for sure... but not all. And yeah.... it doesn't sound like she's gearing up to endorse Bernie. It sounds like she's making the case for why she ISN'T going to endorse him.
  16. I think I saw that video of what Gillum said... yeah it was dumb too. Doesn't change what I posted about Old Black Souther Voters (I capitalized it because some Sanders supporters DO think that the demographic is some kind of organization it seems.
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