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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. Yes, but what makes them stay there once compelling contradictory evidence is brought to them?
  2. I'm thinking that the less actual primary losses that he suffers, the less pressure there is for him to drop out.
  3. The Christopher Columbus episode of the Sopranos... what a terribly preachy episode.
  4. You may not find it offensive but believe me, they are definitely using it in an offensive way.
  5. So remember when Trump said he knew nothing about firing the Pandemic team? Well... https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/coronavirus-video-trump-pandemic-team-cut-2018-a9405191.html?fbclid=IwAR2qaYuSnPw5DEqrE0Llaa_TdoMJ3kUhLRK-zfL2YiI3hQAeMoKvkOiMcuo
  6. Five Corona Virus Myths Debunked https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2020/03/16/coronavirus-myths-debunked-todd-pkg-tsr-vpx.cnn
  7. Oh that's definitely why I posted it... Like I said if its more relevant for the current events board, feel free to move it.
  8. I put it on The Asylum because I didn't know where else to out it... it's not really current events because the article was originally published in 2015 but if you think it's more appropriate to be on the Current Events Board, feel free to move it.
  9. This is a great read and something to be aware of as we go through this Pandemic. That's an excerpt from the article... it's a long read but definitely a good one.
  10. Dems are recapturing the Senate? And if so would she be in line to be the Majority Leader? Also picking Warren wouldn't appease Bernie's minions... they already hate her and blame her for him losing a lot of states on super Tuesday. Her not immediately endorsing him has added to that disdain as well.
  11. Everytime the subject is brought up on TV I see healthcare professionals say the same thing. Most people think the masks are doing the exact opposite of what they actually do.
  12. I'm wondering how this curfew will affect me in Jersey/New York. I work nights and I usually travel to work during the time the curfew will be in effect. I'm not due to go back until Thursday so I'll find out then. If I'm not able to work then my stay in Jersey is kinda pointless as I was only here for work.
  13. Yeah that's classic RE... NONE of the puzzle elements make much sense I'm playing it as well along with Deus Ex Mankind Divided.
  14. This is like when The Clinton Administration warned the Bush Administration about Al-Qeda and Bin Ladin and were ignored
  15. Adding Amy to the ticket is like adding Strawberry Jelly to a peanut butter and Jelly sandwich that already has grape jelly but no peanut butter.
  16. I'm not sure Amy adds more to Biden's appeal to Mid-western voters. It's more important, I think, that Biden picks someone that non-Bernie-brainwashed Progressives can get excited about. The only reason I think Warren shouldn't be the pick is that you would have both candidates at the top of the ticket in their 70's. Otherwise its a no-brainer that Warren should be the pick.
  17. Depends on where you live. I can easily spend more than 20 dollars on a trip to the movies when I go by myself. New Yorkers and Los Angelinos will love this.
  18. I heard he donated it all. Times like this are when you SHOULD probably have a gun. I've always been an advocate for RESPONSIBLE gun ownership not a complete ban.
  19. I knew it was probably bullshit based on the first person who sent it to me unfortunately. I warned a couple of my friends last night that this was out there and as soon as I hung up the phone with a buddy of mine, he got the text as well. He's in Florida. I knew then it was more than likely a hoax.
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