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Everything posted by skillzdadirecta

  1. It passed right, they probably told Manchin and Sinema to vote the way they did to protect themselves in conservative districts.
  2. And in spite of that, he'll take credit for it and win re-election. I've already seen people on my social media talking about how they are going to spend their money from their "Uncle Trump" checks
  3. I LITERALLY said in the original topic that that was an excerpt from the article and that it was a long read implying that there was more to it than what I quoted. Whatever, I thought it would be an interesting read considering all of the conspiracy theories floating around. Carry on.
  4. Friend of mine told me that on Conservative Media, the whole COVID-19 thing has gone from being a hoax to a conspiracy by the Democratic Party and The Chinese
  5. This discussion has been great and all but did anybody actually you know, actually READ the article I linked? Because judging from a good chunk of these responses... I'm thinking NO.
  6. Biden won EVERY COUNTY IN FLORIDA and all but ONE in Illinois. The fat lady would be singing if she wasn't coughing herself to death.
  7. People like Trump who basically said that today and also said that "Recession is just a word" to him.
  8. A lot of folks I know are out of work. There's several letters going to congress people in LA seeking an industry wide bail out. It's crazy.
  9. Michael Imperioli (Christopher) wrote that episode and I think it might have been his first one. He wrote others and got better as time went on. The Bee episode of Breaking Bad is pretty universally hated but I never minded it that much.
  10. "The Man Who Saw The Pandemic Coming" For decades, Dennis Carroll has been a leading voice about the threat of zoonotic spillover, the transmission of pathogens from nonhuman animals to us. Scientists are confident the current outbreak, which began in Wuhan, China, stemmed from a virus inherent in bats. In 2009, after years of studying infectious diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Carroll formed a USAID program called PREDICT, where he guided trailblazing research into viruses hiding, and waiting to emerge, in animals around the world. For a decade, PREDICT received annual federal funding of $15 to $20 million. In 2019, its funding wasn’t renewed. Carroll left USAID and formed a new program, the Global Virome Project, “to build on PREDICT’s scientific insights and experience,” he says.
  11. I totally did... only recently have I started to think there may be a smidgen of hope. Just a smidgen... the American electorate is getting the government we deserve so, yeah.
  12. I mean, this is pretty much his whole reputation in the Senate amongst his peers. It's why he has a very thin record of actually getting shit done over the course of his 30 plus year career.
  13. I must say that in this scenario, Biden and his voters aren't the ones exhibiting similarities to Trump and his folks... just sayin'
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