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Posts posted by Mercury33

  1. 1 hour ago, stepee said:


    AC5 should bring back Desmond and continue that story to a better ending and eventually lead to a full modern entry that brings the war of templars vs assassins out into the open and into the modern age to settle once and for all

    This, 1000% this. For as much shit as people gave the modern story, that’s a big part of what I loved about 1-3(not really 3 though). The mystery and cliff hangers in each game was fantastic and I couldn’t wait to find out more. Then they ended it the way they did and never gave us the modern game they were CLEARLY building towards. 

    • Like 1
  2. Im cautiously optimistic. I think Covid derailed S1 hard. The first 8(?) episodes were really solid. Great adaptation? Not really, but solid in the own world they were building. Then Covid delayed the final two episodes of the show, the actor playing Matt was fired and they CLEARLY had some kind of rewrite to get around him not being there. Those last two episodes felt so off compared so the first bunch completed before the Covid break. Sooooo with an uninterrupted S2 I’m hoping they can get it back on track. At the end of the day the more high budget fantasy we get the better haha

    • Halal 1
  3. 45 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    Uh... what? In my experience, the game only got easier and easier. You just get more hearts, more stamina, stronger weapons and more contraptions to lay waste to the enemies. They do scale up a bit like they did in BotW, but I had them at silver rank in my first few hours (which is their max rank) so I continued to get more powerful while they stayed silver.

    By the way, if you don't know, the game works on a hidden experience point system. The more enemies you kill, the stronger enemies appear. Up to silver, like I said. This also levels up the random weapons they'll have and that you find. Since they also drop super strong fuse items (please tell me you're using fuse, you should never ever be fighting with unfused weapons after the first few hours) you quickly overpower them.

    That or just build a fuckin' homing canon laser monstrosity that can go kill them all for you! Or use bomb arrows, or chuck bombs if you're out of arrows, make sure to level up your gear ASAP, etc.


    Wooden boxes almost always contain arrows, and there are certain areas around the world that always have bundles of 5 or 10 just lying there, such as the balcony facing Lookout Landing in Hyrule Tower.

    I didn’t know that about the secret exp system. How do you know when you hit different tiers?

  4. On 5/28/2023 at 10:22 AM, best3444 said:


    Awesome. I gave it a 9/10 and really lived it myself. For some reason I got really lucky on the technical side of things because I litteraly had no issues like some others here have. Phenomenal game!

    Same, I played on PS5, took around 32/33 hours and it never crashed or did anything weird once. 

    • Halal 2
  5. 2 hours ago, best3444 said:


    Jesus do I have an issue with the button layout. I'm still stumbling with running and jumping. Although I didn't bother looking to see if you can change the layout...:p

    There’s an option in the settings that allows you to specifically swap the Jump button with the Sprint button. Funny enough that’s literally the only layout change you can make. 

  6. Just finished it. Solid 9/10. The game never drags at any point but holy shit does it take off in the last two chapters. 

    Like others have said, the opening was fantastic and then I really didn’t like the openness of Koboh. It felt overwhelming but not in a good way. Later in the game once you unlock all the traversal methods it feels fine to back and run around but I wish they had kept the opening areas a little tighter.


    At first I was a little taken aback that Bode was the final bad buy, he seemed an underwhelming choice. But the more I’ve had time to think about it and the more I’ve come to look at this story as the middle chapter in what appears to definitively be a trilogy, the more Im coming around on it. 

    The game is less about setting up some epic show down like the first game and more about using the story to build character.  Knowing Cal is headed into the third game being pulled by both sides of the force, with no master to guide him and now a small girl(you know she’s gotta be super gifted with the force) to take on who will also be dealing with anger and fear has me super excited for the next one. 

    The Vader fight was *chefs kiss. As someone else said, realizing the key to the fight was to not be afraid and go right at him! So good. And then to actually show Vader limping away at the end. The whole thing was fantastic. 

    Then the end got me. It didn’t dawn on me while playing but seeing the funeral pyres of three Jedi while that beautiful version of the theme plays(which they hadn’t used all game). Finally hit me knowing remembering where we are in the timeline and how few Jedi are left at this point. 

    Very cool, loved the whole game. And I’d really really really love for them to bring Cal and his team into the TV/Media world. Maybe in Rey’s upcoming movie we get to see Tannalor as a place she goes to help her rebuild the order?


    • Hugs 1
  7. 22 hours ago, Kal-El814 said:


    A dude that is repeatedly outside a woman's work before the place opens when they have no established relationship outside one shared baklava is absolutely creep behavior. It'd be one thing if he was also there for breakfast or something, but he's not. The only reason it doesn't fully come off that way is that we're supposed to be rooting for Nate. 


    I probably wouldn't be as hung up on this if the show did ANYTHING to show us why or how Nate is growing. We see it with Roy, we see it with Ted, we see it with Jamie, etc. Nate spent season 2 as a self loathing asshole who couldn't get the girl and now... he got the girl? So he's better? Again for a show that has handled more complicated stuff better than this, it's weird that we're spending so much time with a character and arc that's just so undercooked.

    All of these words, in the order that you placed them, have formed an impressively bad opinion.  

    • Haha 1
  8. 11 minutes ago, SaysWho? said:

    How did you all solve the broken rail puzzle in the tutorial part? I 

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    made it into a ski lift by attaching a hook onto a cart and using the side that was still intact, but I’ve read multiple ways people did it.


    Im a pure void in the creativity department so I did solved it the obvious way

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