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Everything posted by CayceG

  1. An active duty US soldier set himself on fire yesterday in front of the Israeli embassy as a protest against the genocide. He died of his injuries. While he was burning he yelled "Free Palestine." Police response involved one guy trying to put him out with a fire extinguisher and another guy pointing a gun at him yelling "get on the ground."
  2. I hesitate to put it on the level of Andor, but it is compelling storytelling with good characters. It's still got dramatic moments but they play differently than dramatic moments in Andor. I highly recommend Bad Batch anyway. The comprehensiveness and interweaving of the Star Wars canon does make "catching up" more of a chore than it needs to be. But it's something that I do recommend people who are interested in the overall story to do eventually.
  3. On my list too, but I got booted off the Disney+ that I was mooching, so I gotta find another plug.
  4. Understand that I get Jon Stewart's role here: He's an entertainer and not a journalist. But I think framing this as a "isn't Tucker such a dope for being a shill to Russia" isn't what I want, despite this harkening back to when Jon Stewart dumped on Tucker so bad it got his CNN show cancelled. He took down Tucker point for point (cheap groceries/he spent half the weekly salary of a Russian, neat shopping carts, accepting Putin's framing of issues, "Hitler"/"of course.") which is good. But I just don't think Tucker is an important piece of the puzzle here. The real meat is the false reality the Russian propaganda has constructed around not just the war in Ukraine but the issue of NATO and their history at large. Stewart touched on it with respect to Russian nationalism becoming allies with the far right and many Republicans in the culture war. And there's a larger tie-in between that and the Russian meddling in the 2016 election. But that horse has been beaten to death by now. So, for what I wanted to see... I don't really know that I wanted to see it at all. I've seen others dump on Tucker for this plus all the other stuff he's done. I don't think this is anything new. And it certainly doesn't say anything new about the war or Putin's justification.
  5. I didn't find that Daily Show segment worth anything. Even with it being aimed at Tucker, it was more just clowning on him for being a shill--which is something we knew already. I find that Jon Stewart has outlived his usefulness with respect to our political landscape.
  6. At the end they say they delivered them to Pokrovsk. That's the next city over in Ukrainian held territory and it's where some friends of mine were from and lived up until the new invasion.
  7. Well, outside of it being EXPLICITLY against the Outer Space Treaty, having a nuke parked in space makes for a real big challenge in maintaining the equipment and making sure it's in good working order. And recovering it/taking it out of service means you deorbit a satellite and then have to pick through the wreckage to find a nuke...
  8. The trouble with that is at the front SpaceX can't turn off Russia's Starlinks without hitting Ukraine's since the proximity is too close.
  9. The new head of the military was the commander who led the defense of Kyiv during the initial phases of the invasion. So I'm cautiously optimistic.
  10. Fuck man. He was great. And he was having so much fun making The Mandalorian
  11. I did not enjoy it! I get it's a brand showcase, but it really didn't strike me as funny at all.
  12. What'd you do last night? Anything you wanted, right? That's your tax break. This attitude among other people without kids makes me sick.
  13. It was a very good episode and the presenter is a wonderful woman that I've had the pleasure of hanging out with! She's very well-versed in the subject.
  14. This facility is also an hour or more outside of Nashville. There are no local resources. I have no clue what to say other than just to lament how we treat people who need significant medical behavioral help.
  15. Technically it moved from 100 seconds to 90 seconds LAST year. The update for 2024 was just a week or so ago and they elected not to move the hands. But this stuff in Yemen is absolutely not at all the biggest threat of existential conflict or crisis. It's just another in a series of "kinetic actions" in the Middle East that might expand in scope.
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