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Everything posted by Boyle5150

  1. It should be a reason. A reason that brings companionship to their owners. Both from the animals and humans perspective.
  2. Please don’t let them be white, please don’t let them be white. (insert identity politics here). Skin Color dictates actions
  3. https://womenintheworld.com/2019/03/11/iranian-lawyer-who-defended-womens-right-to-remove-hijab-gets-38-years-148-lashes/?fbclid=IwAR2jevNNQjlufQVp_DJ1NHetW6lP_ApDFsSFKttFEbcjq8lkqieDNrzsX1U Lol, brown people. I have extremely low expectations for people of color (herp). Ideology has nothing to do with it (derp). Islamism is literally as bad as nazism. Well unless you believe child molestation is something to be revered. Then by all means let’s all continue to malign such a large group of people... because if you criticize a religion then you criticize a race.
  4. I haven’t purchased yet... platform?
  5. who hasn't been much of a friend lately. We need to game!
  6. This is literally the best video on the entire internet and you are getting zero credit. For shame!
  7. Yes it does, dumb dumb You think it's a choice?
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