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Everything posted by unogueen

  1. Games don't tell stories like books do. Could you imagine a gaming iteration of The Red Pony? Or She's Come Undone? Totally off the field.
  2. Game takes like 30 minutes to beat and is zero challenge. Suck it up and shed a tear.
  3. Street fighter 2010 cause my dad called me a loser after that.
  4. Your spirituality is borrowed. None of this socialism really jibes with the bible more than the lennons fucking in Goa.
  5. Lord of the flies pls. All the shitters must be full.
  6. The armed forces know plenty and it wasn't useful to them. That reduces it's value across all boards by a mile.
  7. Racism/Class disruption. Sometimes you hate some people more than money. ie. everywhere.
  8. I honestly hate watching bags of bones work and grind well past body comfort, whether necessity or avarice. It's bad, and indicative of social faults, whether at the bottom or the top. Period. Labour should have a hard set figure where the means of production no longer falls under certain cohorts, like most people would like to keep children away from deep fryers. The criterias can be argued, but only under the most advantageous conditions should there be exemptions (skipping grades upward or something). Meat and bone is all we have and it is very susceptible to life conditioning.
  9. This is the ugly I know. This is the ugly that's home
  10. Why don't you draw for yourself. Do you really need to explain anything
  11. The theme of all art is hopelessness. What else do we feel in life. A no is just another day and a yes is the best day ever. For that reason Kane and Lynch 2.
  12. The founding fathers? who gives a shit, they're dead. They don't care what you do and neither should you. People still talking shit about Obama I don't even remember who the prime minister was back when.e
  13. We've got the Rolling Stones passing legislature. If not cognitive decline, it's those damned kids. Maybe some jobs should demand more.
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