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Everything posted by unogueen

  1. He's going to eat up as many resources he can. First is Media Matters, everyone else in grasp is next. what's $200B without some spending muscle. He's basically Bannon 2.0.
  2. The creature feature of the week headlines don't help either. The dissolution is real, asking the same youths whose lives were indelibly marked by the unwillingness for gun control have a beef to settle. Words are cheap, the only amends are change.
  3. The revolution will not be televised. Try and remember the reluctance of coverage for the BLM protests. Media shot itself in the foot by running full trump rallies in 2016 for whatever the reason was. If people remember, that's a good thing.
  4. Poster above thinks the Iraq ear is a benchmark. What is the goal of the American right? Eradication and control. What is the goal of the Israeli right?
  5. Irish citizens not included in list of foreign nationals allowed to leave Gaza, says DFA WWW.IRISHTIMES.COM Mayo man in Gaza, who recently completed Leaving Cert, says he is waiting to travel to Rafah crossing
  6. Every seed in its place. Decades in the making. Just a moment... WWW.AXIOS.COM If Hamas bothers you so much, war is where you lose yourself. War is where all dignity and hope dies. When all you have is an inch to protect evil loses meaning. There is no glory of victory, only the horror of subjugation.
  7. I mean it's my weekend. The fuck you do for a buck. In between johns?
  8. I'm only a bully because your neck of the woods would marry civility over equity. The rest of us aren't so stupid.
  9. Quelle suprice. The narrow american mind only thinks in in their gibberish inghlish. You know who has no problem talking to me? Real people. I'm gregarious as hell to the point of unnecessary criminal confession. Or is that the pretty privilege.
  10. That's a part of life you'll never get back. What do you think the future should be?
  11. So are mine. At least I knew what they were about. Because I bothered asking.
  12. Bitches can't write like I can so they resort to google. Granny probably knows the old words, give her a try.
  13. Bacon is a product of pig. A far more noble thing than dry slab of smoked leather.
  14. The history of gaming has been competition. But videogames, developing into household devices specifically bore the the notion that single player was justified for a paycheque worthy of a lonely son. And much like the deletion of women in computing, rode a wave of enticing extant losers into vicarious solutions to nothing. So what do we have now. Is competition toxic? When was it not? Instead there's a generation of perpetual bed wetters who cry fowl that vydia geim lady isn't fapable. This sounds benign if gamergate wasn't a comical powerhouse of murderous mores in the neighbourhood. If 'fighting' insurgents for the last eternity wasn't enough of a lesson. But let's be honest, poon is a prize. And there's no vydia dialogue that can remedy practical uselessness. Oh what? You're a normal? What's will all these deaths then? Socializing only takes trying. Waiting for a guarantee is no way to live life, but too many seem all too happy to wade in it. Is the quad stack scary because 'gamers' are toxic? Or are you afraid of life? And if life can be made better, why do you think playing vydia is the answer.
  15. What will be done about it. Numbers are fun but economies are about keeping shit from falling apart. This is not the kind of thing that's amenably sheltered. This shift will make the China factory look like a skip, if only if it's ever allowed to breathe. America sure has plans with AFRICOM, as do/did the rest of the powers. So what comes next?
  16. Well shit turns out a sandwich isn't that simple.We have a big guy and a small guy here. But there's been this fuckup where Islam is a religion of violence and the other Abrahamic ones are not.The women are very special are they not? They ensure the future. Such essential biology should speak for itself when most of the likely Palestinian victims will forever be unrecorded youths. Sounds a lot like a branch of terf shit and essentialism.
  17. This kind of incompetence should result in a citizen's rebate. No way this should pass without punitive measures.
  18. The world is hardly ready for global governance. That would take an open pact to decelerate from the leading economies and conscious austerity towards corporate entities. How many of you are ready to do without?
  19. Lol cant just say horny 20 year old and have to justify it. Divisions exist, and HS to college is one.
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