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Everything posted by CastletonSnob

  1. In case you missed it, the McRib came back today. I had 2 for lunch. I can finally cross "Eating a McRib" off my bucket list.
  2. https://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1srfu4r Several competitive Smash players have verified these claims.
  3. PS5 Doesn't Have a Web Browser WWW.PUSHSQUARE.COM Ow, the Edge - Unlike both the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 3, the PlayStation 5 will not have a web browser. That’...
  4. Didn't Trump win partially because of nonvoters? I don't think we have to worry about nonvoters this time.
  5. I’ve noticed a lot of people are worried about the election. So, how worried are you? I’m VERY worried.
  6. Trump supporters are saying Trump will win because he has more people at his rallies. They're bragging about Trump having 60,000 people at his rally in PA. Because 60,000 people are a good representation of a state with a population of 13 million. Math isn't Trump supporters' strong suit.
  7. Trump plans to declare victory early. Trump plans to declare premature victory if he appears "ahead" on election night WWW.AXIOS.COM This is the first account of Trump explicitly discussing his own intentions.
  8. Biden is at 50% or higher in all of the battleground states, according to the poll. I think Trump might be fucked.
  9. In case you think this will be a fair election, Trump just thanked the Supreme Court: https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1322636317252030471 I urge all of you to vote, if you haven't already.
  10. http://screenrant.com//public/build/images/apple-icon-180x180.875b3c3c.png Nintendo Argues That Joy-Con Drift 'Isn't A Real Problem' SCREENRANT.COM Nintendo seems to take a harsh stance on drift. Goddammit, Nintendo. Found an interesting Reddit thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/NintendoSwitch/comments/j3fu5w/nintendo_joycon_drift_class_action_lawsuit/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=58a53a43c01e4904a3410b03249c275b&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=j3fu5w
  11. How would you react if Disney bought the rights to Dr. Seuss? Dr. Seuss would be a great fit for Disney. Disney and Dr. Seuss's works are both beloved children's IPs that have a whimsical feel to them.
  12. I'll start off with a well-known one: Bo Jackson on Tecmo Super Bowl. He's twice as fast as every other player, and he can effortlessly break tackles. In case you haven't played Tecmo Super Bowl, this video should give you an idea of how overpowered he was.
  13. I think PS5 and Xbox Series X will have the worst launches ever. Neither console has anything that looks interesting, especially not the Series X.
  14. I’ve been getting into The Muppets lately, and I just realized that none of the shows after The Muppet Show were nearly as successful, with the exception of Muppet Babies. Why haven’t the post-Muppet Show shows been as successful? Is it because the Muppets are a product of their time? Kids today probably have no idea what a variety show even is, which is what the Muppet Show was making fun of. And yes, I know the Muppets were originally intended for general audiences, like Looney Tunes, but also like Looney Tunes, they’re now marketed toward kids.
  15. I can't be the only one on here who likes this show. For those who don't know, the show is about a guy who's shot into space and forced to watch bad movies. He builds robots who help him make fun of the movie. It's a weird premise, but it works wonderfully. For newcomers, I recommend the episodes Space Mutiny, Werewolf, Cave Dwellers and Pod People.
  16. I genuinely don't understand why Star Wars is so popular. Out of 9 movies, only 2 of them are good.
  17. As we all know, the Switch is a huge success. But what will Nintendo do afterwards? They're about to be way behind in power with the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Will they just make a more powerful Switch? Will they make a new console entirely? And if they do, will they have another Wii U-level failure on their hands?
  18. In case you missed it, a bunch of prominent figures in the fighting game community were accused of or have admitted to sexual misconduct. https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/29399607/sexual-abuse-allegations-surface-fighting-game-community https://www.polygon.com/2020/7/3/21312536/evo-online-canceled-joey-cuellar-mr-wizard-sexual-abuse https://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/29410624/former-smash-pro-zero-admits-sending-suggestive-messages-minors
  19. HBO Max had only 90,000 mobile downloads on launch day. How big of a disaster is that? Should we keep in mind that HBO Max didn't launch on Roku or Firestick, and it only launched in the US?
  20. Remember when Sony would have weird, quirky games on their consoles, like No One Can Stop Mr. Domino, Incredible Crisis, Intelligent Qube, LSD Dream Emulator, and Vib Ribbon? Whatever happened to that Sony?
  21. https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/24/21234205/nintendo-account-hack-nnid-breach-security-hacking-attempt As a result, Nintendo is discontinuing NNID sign-ins. https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/49396
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