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Posts posted by Nokra

  1. How do I balance the hours of my life? Probably very poorly.  :p 


    Work: As a student, 5 hours per day * 6 days = 30 hours (this should be higher :blush:

    Travel: 40 minutes per day * 6 days per week = 4 hours

    Sleep: 6.5 hours per night * 7 nights = 45.5

    Eating/Drinking: 1.5 hours per day * 7 days = 10.5 hours

    Bathroom: 30 minutes per day * 7 days = 3.5 hours


    Free Time: 74.5 hours per week


    As a student near the end of his studies I have a lot of freedom with my schedule.  


    I used to be in a band but we're sort of on hiatus, and I do read a fair amount and spend a lot of time with the GF. Probably I should exercise more and cook more meals rather than eating in the school cafeteria... but I'm kinda lazy and I like using that time for other things. 


    Probably it would be worth keeping precise track of this for a week to see how I'm actually using the time. It might give me a kick in the pants do things differently. :thinking:

  2. I agree with @legend; it seems  completely unnecessary to have a subboard for Retro rather than just a label on General Gaming. Why keep things separate and limit the conversation so artificially? Like legend, I don't always check the Retro subboard repeatedly, but the topics would interest me if I saw them. Simply because "Wade promised" doesn't seem to me like a good enough reason to me... I don't think Wade or anyone else knew of the possibility for category labels when he promised that, and now we have a better solution.


    Also like legend, I don't care that much and if that's how it will stay, I won't lose any sleep over it. :p It just seems weird to me to not want to grow the Retro community, given that we have the tools to do so, and IMO the fewer subboards we have, the better. 

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Chairslinger said:



    Did the article state specifically that Obama and Putin were literally, physically alone in the room?


    My understanding is that up until Trump shorthand for "one on one" would mean at least translators and maybe an aide.


    The one article I found only said "one on one" but after looking into it further, it appears that they each had one translator there as well, and it seems no aides. 


    There are a few videos of Putin speaking English out there, so a translator isn't strictly necessary, apparently. 

  4. I'm not debating that it looks bad or is a bad idea, I was just wondering how common it is.


    For instance, in a quick Google search I found that Obama met with Putin one on one at the 2016 G20 meeting. Obviously Obama was not under investigation for collusion so it doesn't look as bad, but he did it. My question was to try to establish how common these one-on-one meetings are, independent of whether it is a good idea for Trump to do it (which again, I agree it is not). I'm guessing that Obama was not the first President to meet with another head of state behind closed doors, as well.


     Because it seems to me that from Trump's perspective, he basically has nothing to lose; whether he's colluding or not, it pisses off his enemies if he meets Putin, which he probably considers a win, and if he is colluding then the benefits are obvious.  And if these meetings are common practice, it might then be even more suspicious if he didn't meet him one on one. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, legend said:


    I honestly just don't know what to say anymore. It's absolutely mind blowing to me that there are so many people this fucked up. When people are this far gone, how the fuck do you fix the situation?


    It's truly mind-boggling and disheartening, isn't it? It seems to me that so much of this hate is based on ignorance and fear, which to me suggests that the solution lies in education. Unfortunately, the process of education and changing mindsets takes such a tremendous amount of time and effort, and when such a low priority is placed on education in the United States, I fear it may get worse before it gets better. :/ 

    • Like 2
  6. For my book club here now we're reading The Marrying of Chani Kaufman, which is apparently about a woman being forced into a marriage because she's in an ultra-orthodox Jewish community. I haven't actually started it yet and the reviews are kind of mixed on Goodreads, but we'll see. Supposedly it has a lot of humor, and if the reviews are mixed it should make for some interesting discussion at the meeting.


    I finished The Grapes of Wrath and it grew on me a lot more by the end. It made me feel so sad for the Joads, and so frustrated with the system, circumstances, and people that put them (and thousands of others) in that position.  I'd count that as a success, if a novel can evoke those kinds of emotions. I can certainly see why it is considered a classic of American literature. It's also amazing to me how relevant it still is, given the current administration's fears about migrants (though admittedly of those from outside the US  :p ). 


    I'm also reading Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know which I heard about after Sam Harris did an interview with him on his podcast a while back. As the title suggests, it's essentially a summary of the current state of our understanding of climate change. tl;dr: we're fucked. :p 

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  7. Yeah it's the color of the text that is impossible to read on some of them. I haven't looked at it on mobile yet to see whether it's better there, but on my desktop and laptop, anime, books, comics, and movies are all pretty much impossible to read. And before you ask, yes, I do have glasses, and yes, I'm wearing them. :p 

  8. I really like the idea of categories and wish that people had used tags to this effect before, but....  I think that the color scheme might need to be adjusted a bit, if possible. 







    I find that some of those are really illegible. White on yellow? Yuck! :p 


    That they're color-coordinated is great, that makes things really quick, but I wonder if some other text color might not be easier to read...


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