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Posts posted by Nokra

  1. I agree that "The Stage" doesn't seem like a fitting name, since there's more than just stage theater there. :p If we don't want to just call it "Entertainment," how about something like:


    "Tinseltown, Silicon Valley, and Hogwarts"




    "Are You Not Entertained?!"



  2. 7 hours ago, thewhyteboar said:

    This story is wild as hell.

    That really was a crazy read, thanks. I mean... if his story is true and his mother really was trying to kill him, then sure, the only way to have stopped her was probably with the gun. But obviously, if neither one of them had had guns (and if she was mentally ill, she certainly shouldn't have), he probably wouldn't have killed his mother. :silly: 

  3. 40 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:


    I mean yes, but it's also saving a tonne of disposable plastic waste. It's like saying that removing free plastic bags from stores creates a tax on those who can't carry 20 items in their arms at once. It's true, but the benefits outweigh the cons. And in the case of straws, the cost is so negligible as to be nothing. If it was adding $500 or even $100 a year to disabled people then I would think it's not right, but this is a few dollars at most, assuming they don't purchase longer-lasting metal straws for themselves instead.


    I get what you're saying, and even assuming that someone used 10 straws per day, at the price from Amazon above this works out to roughly $50 per year, which is not a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, and you're right, the potential savings in plastic are enormous, given the scale of some of these businesses. 


    Here's one such article that was posted by an acquaintance of mine. They talked about bringing metal straws as well, and the problem is often that people either a) need the flexibility of a plastic straw (e.g. they're not able to get close enough to the straw and need to bend it the last little bit to their mouth) or it actually becomes a hazard to have such a rigid object near the face. 

  4. 39 minutes ago, CitizenVectron said:



    People who need plastic straws can bring their own with them, much like people who need anti-tremor spoons do the same. The actual need for plastic straws is incredibly small.


    While what you say is true, the articles I saw said that this suggestion is essentially creating a tax on people with disabilities, as they are then forced to pay for something that most people would not. Sure, it's only a few cents (a 500 pack is $7 on Amazon, working out to $0.01398 per straw), but it's something.


    I need to look into it a bit more though to know for sure what exactly the law says, but in any case my impression was that people were very upset about this, especially since the issue of people with disabilities needing straws was raised and it still went through in Seattle, leading many to feel like their need wasn't heard, or worse yet, that it didn't matter to those making the decisions.  

  5. I've been seeing a fair amount of pushback on this (or more specifically on Seattle's complete ban on straws) on my Facebook feed from people who say that it's a misguided policy; trying to do something good for the environment at the cost of harming handicapped people that rely on the flexibility of plastic straws and are unable to use other types of straws due to them being a hazard. 


    It seems like there should be some middle ground.

  6. I choose you, ACLU! :peace:


    Edit - I made that comment before reading up a bit on the Temporary Protected Status that they have. I have no doubt that Trump or many of his supporters would be thrilled to see non-Whites being deported, :p but it sounds like this was more or less always the plan... Temporarily allowing people to escape from natural disasters, war, etc. until it was safe for them to return to their country. Is there any reason to think this is being done especially shittily by Trump and his cronies? 

  7. That sucks man, I hope you can get it all sorted out quickly. 


    A year or so ago I had a situation where I was doing some IT work for a small medical clinic on the side here in Germany, and the doctor decided she wanted to stiff me for a few hours I worked. I tried talking to her about it and when she refused to budge I just quit, because a) I didn't really need the job, b) it wasn't that much money, maybe around €50 or so, and c) she was annoying to work for anyway.


    It really annoyed me that she wasn't willing to follow our agreement, and before this, for no reason at all she had bought two new routers for €300 each (which she later returned when she realized they didn't actually help anything) but she refuses to pay me the €50 that she actually owed me for work I had done? Meh, I don't need that kind of aggravation for such poor pay.


    I realize quitting may not be an option for you at this time, but a lawyer sounds like a great idea to me. 


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