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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. How the Libertarian Party (maybe) helped shift the presidential race WWW.VOX.COM The Libertarian Party presidential nominee got fewer votes than in 2016. Here’s how those votes helped change the election anyway.
  2. My worry is that if the vaccine is delayed too much, well into the Biden administration, many on the right would refuse to take take on the grounds that it is a "Democrap" vaccine. The same could be said if the vaccine was rushed in the late summer or early fall of this year - many Democrats might not want to take it because of the obvious politics of the vaccine. But the fact that it may be released during Trump's lame duck session is good for everyone, I think.
  3. I think the silver lining of having a vaccine approved and start to be distributed while Trump is still President, is that it will be supported by more people overall. The more people who get the vaccine, the better.
  4. I would NOT be surprised at all if Trump orders the Secret Service to stop protecting Biden, and for the military to cease the no-fly zone over Biden's house.
  5. A new agency needs to be created that can effectively investigate and police the executive branch. It's clear that it cannot police itself.
  6. I don't care how much they'll try to explain what it actually means, but the party's 2024 motto of "Throw the Jews down the well", kinda sounds like we should throw Jewish people down the well.
  7. "Defund the police" was a stupid fucking motto and I absolutely think it cost the Dems tens of thousands of votes in key battleground states. Stupid. Fucking. Motto.
  8. The Federal government has very little power to force states to enforce federal law. It's the whole separation of powers thing.
  9. Do you honestly think the county sheriff in bumfucked Oklahoma is going to hand out fines for people not complying Biden's mask mandate? I'm sure you also think that California will start enforcing federal marijuana laws against all of the dispensaries too.
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