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Everything posted by mclumber1

  1. I *think* they'll call PA and NV today - rendering the election all but over. It's going to take another day or two to call AZ and GA.
  2. Since Trump himself said NY would go red this year, I bet that these guys actually believed the words that came out of his mouth.
  3. Georgia secretary of state is parroting Trump talking points right now. "Every legal vote will count, every illegal vote will not count."
  4. Grumpy Clark County registrar is having a press conference right now. He says there are 30k outstanding ballots, not 50k.
  5. Incredible self-own here: You had your Postmaster General sabotage the mail system so ballots would be returned too late to count - and now you reap what you sow.
  6. That's a good point. I wonder if in 150 years you'll see people flying these flags like some chucklefucks do right now with the Confederate flag.
  7. Not realistically. I suppose Pence could 25th him - but Trump has the right to object to the removal and then be restored to power soon after if Congress doesn't concur with Pence and the Cabinet.
  8. LOL at Trump's Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. He resigned from a cushy safe congressional seat, and will soon be unemployed. I wouldn't be surprised if he is fired before January 20th either.
  9. "Trumpbros, at what point did we get too cocky?" "When we memed a man into office as a joke and then took it seriously"
  10. Did he want Esper to put the military out into the streets to crack heads on November 3rd or something? Did Trump want some sort of October surprise against Iran and Esper refused? I'm honestly curious how the SecDef plays into a Trump loss.
  11. I'm glad I took the entire week off. I was able to watch pretty much the entire time. I do have 2 tons of landscaping rock being dropped off at my house later today, so I have a bunch of shoveling to look forward to. What are all of you doing with the rest of your week?
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