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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. I still remember when I was a seasonal employee at a nearby Cabela's a decade ago, during when the Sandy Hook shooting happened. I don't have exact numbers, as it was during the Christmas season, but I'm pretty sure we reached record sales during that time. Gun control debate in this country is fucking dead. The gun nuts won. Just accept it. I doubt there will ever be any legislative change that will affect anything.
  2. Is this similar to the NY indictment, or are these two completely different?
  3. I mean, I'm a straight white guy, so none of this affects me directly. But I feel so bad for any LGBT+ people living in any of these shithole states that consider them subhuman.
  4. It's so bitterly ironic that online content doesn't age and is practically perfect for preserving things, yet is also where content is at its most vulnerable and least permanent. You like that one YouTube video? Too bad, it got taken down due to copyright issues! You like that one artist's work? Too bad, they just deleted everything without warning! You like seeing porn on this one website? Too bad, we're scrubbing all NSFW content because fuck you! You like those Flash online games? Too bad, we're discontinuing Flash support forever! You want to download that one game? Too bad, we pulled the plug on the servers, so you can't buy it anymore! This shit fucking sucks, man.
  5. It's only a short time before some politician just flat out says that trans people need to be hunted down and killed.
  6. This pretty much killed Tumblr, and OnlyFans stopped when they realized it would have killed them. But surely this will work out well for imgur!
  7. My mother is a teacher in PA, and she is just sick and tired of it all. The disrespect she receives from her students and their parents is unfathomable. She only has 2 more school years after this one to retire, but she's wondering if she can make it through the rest of this year.
  8. But that's far from the biggest issue impacting Floridians! We have WOKE teachers teaching WOKE things that are WOKE!
  9. It's definitely dangerous if Trump runs again and wins, but how is it dangerous if he loses? (Besides all of the inevitable calls of voter fraud because he didn't win)
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