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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. Just look at how this year has gone, especially this last week. And here's the best part: we're not even halfway through the year. You want to know why I'm a cynical and depressed piece of shit? This is why. Nothing is going to change, and we all know it. I hate everything, and you should too. I don't even want to wake up tomorrow morning.
  2. I'm glad I don't work nights and in the city anymore. As I said before, I'm in a relatively rural area across a big river from the city, so it's not likely any actual rioting will happen where I live. But if by chance it does...this will be my reaction:
  3. I'm more scared than anything. At this rate, even after the COVID-19 quarantine ends, I might just stay inside longer...
  4. I'm in the (comparatively) rural suburbs across the river from the city, so I should be okay. ...even so, I might start carrying my swiss army knife more often, just in case...
  5. In all seriousness, I'm really fucking scared right now about all of this.
  6. This looks like something out of one of Trump's wet dreams.
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