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Everything posted by marioandsonic

  1. Eevery time I read news about Trump or politics, I get the biggest urge to drink. And considering how big of a shitshow 2024 is going to be...fuck, I don't know if I'm going to make it.
  2. At this point, I'm convinced that even if Trump dies, the MAGA crowd will still vote for him.
  3. How is it that I'm getting MORE nervous about 2024 than BEFORE Trump got these indictments?!
  4. I'm 34. I never liked beer, but I do enjiy cocktails and mixed drinks. ...I can't tell if that's better or worse.
  5. It really makes me wonder what will happen if Trump loses in 2024. The GOP has pretty much become the party of Trump, so if he loses (or, if there is any justice in this world, dies or gets arrested), where does the party go from there?
  6. All of the GOP is as crass and stupid as Trump. I know some conservatives may try to disavow him, but no. I don’t think so. Trump is not your curse. He is your avatar. I know because I’ve seen MAGAtards, who never miss a chance to talk on speakerphone while out in public. You people are not misrepresented by Trump. Quite the contrary. The GOP are obvious (“As a conservative,” they begin while ordering a hamburger), loud, racist, and stupid. I can see your stupid coming from a mile away. You got the ruler of the GOP you deserve, you paint-eaters. Even if Trump gets put in jail or dies, nothing will change. And do you know why? Because all of you will still be here to fuck everything up anyway.
  7. Anything and everything that happens outside of what these mental degenerates perceive as "normal" will be forever labeled as a false flag by "the elites". We are fucked.
  8. Removing the block option would violate TOS for both the App Store and Play Store.
  9. It probably won't happen, but God I hope this is what finally takes him down. We've have to suffer for the past 8+ years suffocating from this big fat orange fart cloud, and I want to finally breathe again
  10. Is this genuinely the moment? Or is Trump still going to find a way to weasel out of this?
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