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Everything posted by Phaseknox

  1. This looks really good, so much in fact that it has become one of my most anticipated games right now. I really like third person action/adventure/platform/puzzle games and open world games, and this looks like a combination of the two.
  2. I was thinking the same exact thing when I kept seeing reviews for Re-Reckoning mentioning how far we've come since the release of the original back in 2012. Current gaming seems like one step forward, two steps back as far as I'm concerned.
  3. Yeah, and I think that's really cool but I would rather get the game after some of the additional characters/story content are available instead of getting it now and having to wait for it. If I was interested in playing the game multiplayer then I would get it now, but since I'm only interested in the single player content it's something that I can wait to get when it's cheaper and has even more content to offer.
  4. I was planning on getting this Friday for the single player campaign since it looks really good, but I've discovered that it's only like 10 hours long which is too short for a $60 game IMO. I'm not interested in the multiplayer aspects of the game, so I'll get it when it's a lot cheaper.
  5. I used to find Angry Joe's reviews somewhat entertaining and humorous despite not always agreeing with his opinions, but they've pretty much become bad comedy skits at this point. For example, the forced comedy bits in his Ghost of Tsushima review were so stupid that I couldn't keep watching.
  6. I constantly stop and look around at how stunning the visuals are as well, it's such a pretty game. As beautiful and colorful as the visuals are during the day, it has some amazing lighting effects during the night. It has the best graphics that I've seen in an open world game, and some of the best that I've seen in a game in general. I haven't played Final Fantasy VII Remake yet, but based on what games that I have played I would say that The Last of Us Part II has the best character models and animations that I've seen in a game. I'm taking my time playing it as well doing just about everything that there is to do in it. I've been dumping hours upon hours into it. I made it to Act 2 somewhat recently, and it's packed with even more content than Act 1. It's been quite a bit more challenging as well. It's hard to put the controller down because there's so much to do in it, and it's just fun to play.
  7. Precisely. 100% historical accuracy in video games is boring, Red Dead Redemption II is proof of that.
  8. RPGs are one of my favorite genres, but The Witcher III didn't appeal to me nearly as much as I was expecting it to based on its universal accolades and praise. Outside of its story and characters I found it to be a somewhat standard open world fantasy action RPG. While I don't deny that it's a great game, the pure fun factor just wasn't really there for me for some reason. But despite it not appealing to me as much as it does with the majority, I fully acknowledge its overall quality and understand why it's deemed one of the best open world games ever made. I just don't agree that it's arguably the best open world game of all time, that's all.
  9. The Witcher III is not arguably the best open world game of all time. I'm personally enjoying Ghost of Tsushima more myself, it has a better game world/combat and is just more fun to play in general IMO. The Witcher III is definitely a solid open world fantasy action RPG with a good story and cast of characters, but there are other open world games that I like more. And this is precisely why male main characters are still the most prominent in video games. I personally prefer female main characters in games, and almost always choose the female option when given the choice to do so. The female fighters in Ghost of Tsushima are some of the best characters in the game IMO, and I've seen others agree stating that if there's a sequel that they hope that it has a female lead. I'm glad that you're enjoying the game more now, I personally think that it's one of the best of the generation.
  10. It feels more like The Witcher III than Assassin's Creed to me, and I'm liking it more than The Witcher III. I like the feudal Japan/samurai setting and theme more than the somewhat overused medieval fantasy one, and the core gameplay and combat are a lot better IMO. Same here. It has exceeded my expectations which games rarely ever do. The story, characters, graphics, music/sound/voice acting, gameplay/combat, etc. are all topnotch. The art design and graphics are some of the best that I've seen in a game, and the audio is equally impressive. The core gameplay and combat are some of the best that I've experienced in a game. The mix of sword/ranged combat and stealth adds good variety to the gameplay, and the combat in general is fun, visceral and satisfying. It's like a deeper more modern version of a hack-and-slash game put into an open world. I really have no complaints with it at this point, everything about it is impressive.
  11. Yeah, I saw that in the IGN video review and it looked kind of janky. YongYea showed some game jank in his video review as well. Open world games are especially notorious for having jank in them on day one. But as someone who loves Eurojank games, I don't expect its few technical issues to bother me too much.
  12. While the reviews that I've skimmed have praised the core sword combat the most, some have also praised the stealth while others have said that it's not that strong. Based on the gameplay footage that I've seen the sword combat does look more satisfying, but the stealth doesn't look bad either. I guess that I'll find out what I think of it when I play the game this Friday.
  13. All of the reviews that I've skimmed have stated that the main storyline is roughly 30 hours, while doing most/all of the optional side content can add another 20+ hours to the experience. I play open world games rather slowly and thoroughly, so I expect this to be a good 50 hour game for me. Same here. While I haven't played Final Fantasy VII Remake yet, I did just play The Last of Us Part II so I'm ready for a less linear and scripted big open world action adventure game that I can really sink my teeth into right now.
  14. I think that this game is going to be less about story and characters, and more about gameplay and experimenting/messing around in a sandbox environment for the pure fun of it. The story will probably be there just enough to give a reason for the missions, but a lot of the fun will come from trying different things and seeing what the outcomes are. I could be wrong, but that's what it kind of seems like to me based on what I've seen of it so far. I didn't really care for the first two Watch Dogs games, but this one looks better/different and has the potential to stand out as something unique for the genre. I'm really looking forward to it, and I hope that it delivers.
  15. Like in Far Cry 5, you can choose to be either male or female. I hope that they're voiced this time unlike they were in FC5, because I hate playing as silent protagonists in games.
  16. In most games that allow you to choose between a male or female protagonist the female voice work is usually superior IMO, and that appears to be the case with Assassin's Creed Valhalla as well. Female Eivor has a strong and fitting voice, while male Eivor has a bit of a mild/tame voice that I don't find as fitting for the character. It all comes down to personal preference, and for me female Eivor is the more appealing of the two. I agree, but that's because big sprawling open world action RPGs are one of my favorite genres. Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla are very different games from earlier Assassin's Creed games which are more smaller scale action stealth games. While Assassin's Creed II, Brotherhood and Syndicate are some of my favorite AC games, I like Origins and Odyssey more and I expect to like Valhalla more as well since it's the same formula as those.
  17. It's definitely worth picking up cheap especially with all of the improvements that have been made to it since it was released. You can choose your character's gender, and customize their look. But I would suggest playing Wildlands first if you haven't as it's the better game IMO. Also, Breakpoint is the sequel to it.
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