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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. 14(c)'s are still something I'm learning about but my understanding is these places receive additional subsidies from the government on top of the ability to pay subminimum. The feds cut off their portion of the subsidy years ago in favor of funding Competitive Integrated Employment, but allowed the States to continue subsidizing the sheltered workshops, which some states do. The biggest thing I hear from the parents is they don't care about the money, this gets their kid out of the house/group home/ICF instead of watching TV all day and creates stability through routine, and for some the task of putting items in a box or sorting recycling is enjoyable for them. The horror stories are endless though especially given the segregated nature of it, not to mention how like guardianship there seems to be an inappropriate pipeline into these places. Maybe it's because they're seen now as taboo but the sheltered workshops but the defensive and aggressive nature of their lobbying activities is very off putting.
  2. Yes, this still exists. Opinion | The Labor Department looks to fulfill Biden's promise to disabled workers WWW.MSNBC.COM In 2020, Joe Biden and all the major Democratic presidential candidates said they’d end subminimum wage labor for people with disabilities. Parent opposition, backed by lobbying, make this an EXTREMELY hot button issue in disability politics. I've been in meetings on this issue, they've gotten heated and I've seen how hard lobbying firms hit back if a disability rights org goes near this. A lot of the subminimum wage employers are basically segregated sweatshops that prey on family fears that their adult intellectually disabled child can't hold a community based job, despite Supported Employment being a pretty standard feature in disability support programs for those with intellectual disabilities. I've even heard them outright lie that making minimum wage would put their Medicaid eligibility at risk.
  3. I don't think his guest is essentially wrong with a lot of the Palestinian sides, but at the 41min mark he discussed his take on Stateism, it said almost the quiet part out loud and a lot of why I'm having a lot of trouble with leftie discourse. He basically argues for a massively decentralized 1 or no state solution. Jesus Christ the solution to the Israeli Palestinian Conflict can't be some leftie anarchist social experiment. That's fantasy and shows a complete disinterest in peace, because it'll never happen, isn't viable between these two groups, and lefties pushing it are leading people to slaughter.
  4. IDF casualties by battalion to give a sense of the scale of the operation. Looks like 3 Armored Divisions are operating inside Gaza.
  5. The most important election of the night, from my home town. Access to this page has been denied WWW.THERIDGEFIELDPRESS.COM px-captcha
  6. Anyone with a direct connection to the conflict I'm generally willing to give a pass to given how incredibly emotional the conflict is, even if it is objectively a stupid take. The morons who don't get a pass are those without a direct connection who have bad takes. It's like Americans faking enthusiasm and understanding of soccer.
  7. The flip side of all those quotes being the White House has no faith in State's ability act in a manor other than a PR agency (State's job in Ukraine was to rally international support for Ukraine, which already existed). Do they have the ability to manage a situation with no good options that no one wants to do (like assembly a multi national peacekeeping force)?
  8. If you live somewhere where none of your neighbors want to open their border to you, is that a prison? I agree it's effectively a prison but besides an airport and sea ports being allowed, how do you unprison Gaza?
  9. Terrible idea, but at some point there needs to be a conversation that 2.3 million people living in a 25x3 mile area surrounded by neighbors who don't want anything to do with you, isn't viable.
  10. That's basically what the Sub did in High School English when two girls got into a fight, he just watched as the guys attempted to pull them apart.
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