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Everything posted by Jwheel86

  1. Both the Super Hornet and F-35 would have served Canada fine. The issue is the Super Hornet is pushing it in terms upgradability down the road and the F-35 is propriataried to hell and back by Lockheed, making upgrades and new weapon integration a nightmare. Both the Navy and Air Force's new favorite word is "open architecture" with respect to their Next Generation Air Dominance (NGAD) fighters.
  2. At which point does Ukraine accept and let the sanctions get lifted or fight on? If Russia pulls out of the north that'll free up a lot of the Ukrainian Army to redeploy east.
  3. If this could be interfaced with a JACO arm I'd be interested. SMA is very similar to ALS, just not as fast and we've got drugs now.
  4. US poised to have three armored brigades in Europe at once as troop numbers climb WWW.STRIPES.COM The Army soon is likely to have three armored brigades in Europe for the first time in well over a decade.
  5. I'm assuming it's this. JADC2 is a DoD wide program to link sensors and shooters in real time over a network, regardless of platform. Each branch has its own program to link together their own systems, once finished those 3 systems will be linked together. The idea is that an Air Force AWAC can detect a cruise missile and the system will automatically send weapons quality data to the shooter the system thinks can kill it, maybe an Army Patriot Battery or a Navy Aegis Destroyer, all without the shooter turning on its own sensors.
  6. It is mostly the US's fault. The price of NATO equipment is set largely by what the US is willing to pay since the US is the biggest buyer. Since defense contractors own Congress that number is very high. The result is NATO countries struggle to afford NATO equipment.
  7. They conned our edgy teenage minds with cool names like Sidewinder and Phoenix, then we grew up and they gave us bullshit like AMRAAM (Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile) and JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile).
  8. Nope, worse in the US advocates are scared to file lawsuits (such as requiring masking around high risk kids in schools) because SCOTUS will use it as an opportunity to gut the ADA and IDEA. Conservatives are arguing the ADA only covers intentional discrimination.
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