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Everything posted by SaysWho?

  1. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/democrat-amy-mcgrath-launches-bid-kentucky-senate-hopes/story?id=64215679 This is trending big time. Anyone have decent info on her? She lost her 2018 race against an incumbent, 51-48, so she has some experience running in a red area and doing well. McConnell's always very difficult to defeat with his massive war chest.
  2. /thread That was hilarious. When we had that thread where we all made rage comics about d1p, I made one with a big troll face that said, "I look like GigersAlien, I sound like GigersAlien, I taste like GigersAlien, but I'm actually stepee." He liked the comic, which was a badge of honor, man.
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-twitter-first-amendment.html
  4. tbh, all I do is print out a picture of a cow's face and tape it to my face. Works every year.
  5. The best line was when he was asked about his 50 cent gas tax. I've timestamped it, but it begins at 26:00 and ends at 26:11.
  6. His free trade deals and self-funded campaign, in my eyes, was Trump before Trump (plus at that time, Trump was more socially liberal as was Perot's ticket).
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/07/09/billionaire-and-former-presidential-candidate-ross-perot-is-dead-at-89.html
  8. You know what I like about you? We can be going at each other in one thread and it never transfers to another. I'm not because you're not doing it; I'm to help with the torture.
  9. I can remove it, but fyi: glass houses. You're kind of being full-on hardcore douchey here, especially ITT where I'm apparently the bad guy for "forcing" you to be a bad-faith poster. You're also gonna need the entire board cleansed of everyone who's ever quoted you for the past year because your name is littered throughout the board.
  10. I wouldn't know whether the old one is scarier or not, but I DO know that many RE2 veterans were shocked at how Mr. X operated. In the first game, he "followed" you through a couple rooms, and his presence was scripted. Here, he followed you through the whole damn place, STOMP STOMP STOMP STOMP and freaked you the fuck out. And his introduction in the B campaign is LULZ.
  11. A rich CIO doesn't care. Shocking. This part stuck out: "Is bowling that interesting? Is fishing that interesting?" Putting aside the amount of people who do that and watch Fox (God knows I've befriended plenty), who cares what someone else likes? I love video games, but some people don't get why. I don't get fishing, but some people are in paradise sitting on a boat with friends. If you like fishing, bowling, tennis, dancing, video games, movie/show binging, writing, traveling, exploring, arts, escape rooms, reading, snorkeling, sailing, climbing, working out, editing videos, collecting, going to the beach, and that's what makes you happy, then it's interesting to you and no one else should judge you for it. I get the idea of loving your work to the point that you keep doing it, but he's a rich cat who can afford to choose what he does and doesn't get the negative reason why many people are never planning on retiring.
  12. OLO You went from, "Can't be good if you don't watch it!" to "Women's sports are bad." You saw, "It's different, not worse. They're playing at the highest level," and thought, "So you're saying the skill level doesn't affect enjoyment." No one forced you to be dishonest; it's just something you're doing because you're one of those posters. Everyone besides the sexually frustrated Trump supporter and you are following along easily. If how someone watches something determines how good it is, then there are many plays, movies, shows, video games, and sports that apparently aren't good because you're not watching. People's obsessions with how much sports someone watches and their level of fandom is always humorous.
  13. This will be my fourth year running doing this. I like the spicy chicken sandwich.
  14. Team USA Women’s World Cup Final Victory Delivers 14.3M Viewers For Fox, Crushes Men’s 2018 Soccer Final Biggie's got a lot of people to be mad at.
  15. You didn't answer the question. What do my viewing habits have to do with the quality of the sport? Someone could not watch anything but the Super Bowl; that doesn't mean there isn't good play in the NFL. It doesn't even matter; no one will remember any of us for being "real fans" so the obsession with fair weather fans, casual fans, etc. has always humored me.
  16. What does that have to do with the World Cup, doe?
  17. One of the biggest pet peeves is when someone says, "What's you're saying is..." followed by a made-up characterization of something the other person never said. How you read something like, "It's different, not worse," and, "They're playing at the highest level," and then come up with this stinker of a reply is a mystery to me and likely others. Weird. Can we agree that you've abandoned the idea of, "How can it be good if you're not watching?" because you got off that real quick.
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