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Everything posted by GeneticBlueprint

  1. Police officers accused of killing George Floyd to be tried together, in Minneapolis - The Washington Post WWW.WASHINGTONPOST.COM Judge rules that separate trials for the four officers would be an “undue burden” and that he believes a fair and safe trial can happen in the city in March.
  2. Re: Nevada Blech the link changed I won't make you click through to reddit. Here's what he said "ok guys so the Nevada election officials have just finished their Harry Potter marathon and are only planning to watch The Lord of the Rings Trilogy: Extended Edition next followed by the first three seasons of The Office. Then hopefully they might be able to start counting the ballots and get through a dozen or so before turning in for the night. We might get results from Nevada before new years eve!"
  3. I can't watch the news but just got a message from a friend that GA is at 15k gap with 90k remaining to count. Can anyone confirm?
  4. It means Biden is closing the gap considerably in PA. I'm not as optimistic as those pollsters saying it's "done" but it's def a good sign.
  5. I wouldn't read too much into Trump's mood. All of our emotions are swinging wildly from one direction to the other. On like an hourly basis. Lol.
  6. One thing to keep in mind with AZ is that it is full of old people who have always voted by mail. So don't get too comfortable with those recent numbers not being enough for Trump.
  7. Dude like half an hour ago I was randomly wondering how you were doing with this. Just got back to my phone and was going to ask you. I shit you not. I'm glad your symptoms are mild at least. Hope it's negative.
  8. I absolutely hope to be proven wrong but it seems like it will be a nail biter of he wins PA at all. He's still down 6 figures with almost 90% reporting.
  9. Not singling you out but just using your post. I'm glad people are confident in a win but there's enough reason to wait on the congratulating for a little bit. PA and GA are looking good, but not a sure thing.
  10. I heard it was mostly going to be from the red counties in the north that will be releasing some additional counts.
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