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Guillotine Operator
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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Like just fucking look at it. LOOK AT IT. DON'T YOU WANT TO JUST FUCKING STRANGLE IT?
  2. It was already really fucking bad even before Dean flogged it to hell and back.
  3. I get why it bugs you but I doubt the one day difference really matters, it's not like they scheduled you for a week after your first shot.
  4. If you thought this summer was gonna be horny then just wait until we can prevent all the STDs with mRNA vaccines.
  5. mRNA baby Novel HIV vaccine approach shows promise in “landmark” trial WWW.EUROPEANPHARMACEUTICALREVIEW.COM The vaccine was able to target the desired immune cells and could become the first stage of a multi-step vaccine strategy to combat HIV.
  6. I think it's how close to the face the face part looks, I think with a more neutral expression it wouldn't come across as super fucking smug.
  7. And why is it , and will anything ever surpass on this front?
  8. What I'm more curious about is, I thought they were updating Yosemite Sam to no longer use guns?
  9. Probably meant to throw the parents watching it with their kids a bone with fun little cameos in a way that will safely sail above the heads of their kids.
  10. Also if all of this bullshit really doesn't affect turnout much, then I'd assume it means that it's because the minority voters are sticking it out through the ever-increasing bullshit to get their votes in. So regardless of the turnout effect, people are still being meaningfully harmed. And as you noted the margins on the presidential and Senate runoff races were super tight so yeah, maybe this stuff only suppresses votes at the margins...but that's all that they need to do to swing things back from D to R.
  11. Did you catch LeBron banging your mom or something?
  12. Yet you still have all the shitstains going on about how we should just open up pronto because you probably won't die, stay home if you're so scared.
  13. You really think stuff like the strict new ID requirements and the elimination of dropboxes will have NO impact on turnout? Watch Georgia pull an Alabama and shut down DMVs in black areas.
  14. Clicking on the Space Jam logo on the top right of the new page brings you to the legacy site. It wasn't obvious to me either, I posted about this on reddit and someone pointed it out.
  15. Wait guys it's okay. @sblfilms @Ghost_MH https://www.spacejam.com/1996/
  16. The fuckers should have at least hosted an archive of the old site at a sub-url.
  17. We're trying really hard to cause a spike from variants before we reach that point though thanks to all the fucktards who couldn't wait a few more weeks to eat inside a restaurant.
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