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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Going to be a lot of people with variable mortgages going under.
  2. One of the most plausible theories I've seen is that these aren't sabotage or anything like that—they are corrupt people trying to hide evidence. For years oligarchs have been skimming money off the top of everything and delivering faulty products and supplies, especially to the military. Now that it's been revealed just how bad these supplies and supply chains are, Putin will likely be coming for them.
  3. Exactly. This is golden Onion commentary on internet culture.
  4. You can read all about it on their twitter: Thankfully the entire world stands with The Onion: They are asking that everyone stand with them, Onion Strong
  5. With a constitutional, parliamentary democracy you need a head of state that is separate from head of government. It's (imo) better than the US system where the same person does both jobs.
  6. Majority want to cut ties with the monarchy in general: Large majority opposes Charles as King: Overall, not seen as fit for the modern world: I say we cut ties and just make the Governor General the head of state. Keep her/him appointed by the PM, and they serve the exact same role. Nothing changes structurally, the monarch is simply cut off at the top.
  7. These Phoenix drone systems haven't been seen by the public, and were apparently literally just finished for Ukraine: New aid package to Ukraine includes dozens of howitzers and USAF-developed drone | InsideDefense.com INSIDEDEFENSE.COM President Biden and the Pentagon have announced the latest $800 million aid package to Ukraine will include dozens of howitzers and more than 120 new unmanned aerial systems rapidly developed by the Air Force specifically for the Ukrainian military to defend itself against the ongoing Russian invasion.
  8. US intel says Putin believes he is winning the Ukraine war and the West will give up on trying to isolate him, report says WWW.BUSINESSINSIDER.COM US intel assessments said Putin was confident about his military campaign despite multiple setbacks including sanctions and casualties, NYT reported.
  9. I have been doing the opposite, lately—mixing cereal with 9%MF greek yogurt. So creamy.
  10. Apparently one of Russia's largest chemical plants (in Ivanovo Oblast) is on fire. There's been a few...accidents happening recently at large facilities that have been forced to shut down due to sanctions. Speculation is that the owners have been told that if they lay anyone off they will face treason and other charges, so their only option is to literally destroy their facilities in order to have an excuse as to why they are not paying their workers.
  11. He could use money to solve hunger, housing, etc. But sure, why not an ego boost and an edit button?
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