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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. So does that make the Moskva the largest ship sunk by enemy action since WWII? The Belgrano was sunk in the Falklands War, but I think it was slightly smaller (~12,300 tons vs ~12,500 tons).
  2. Usually authoritarian nations like to keep a façade of democracy and freedom. Russian media is now going full in on saying that freedom is bad, having any public involvement in government is bad:
  3. There's nothing in the rules that says a dog can't play in the NBA, or that we can't rape a lizard!
  4. "I don't care if they want our oil or not, we are going to build a pipeline to everyone and dump the oil on their yards and send them an invoice and if they don't pay the invoice we're going to send truckers and those truckers will be true Canadians strong and free and we'll show them and show the world and stand on guard for what is right and true and oil and north and white and what I meant by white is the true north white and free not white skin tone hehe did you see my wink there you all know what I mean" That's effectively the CPC, now.
  5. My province has switched to monthly reporting, and the premier and his ministers have said that nothing will be done at this point to institute any protections or measures, regardless of anything. They've also banned internal hospital numbers from being reported or accessed. So the media went a hospital in our largest city and found out first hand that the ER is beyond surge capacity, and that the waiting room has been converted into bedspace because there's no more room left, and many nurses have quit.
  6. If Musk wants to make a point, he should buy Facebook and then just shut it off.
  7. Yes, in fact I've operated my own sole proprietorship the last five years doing wedding photography. Riley Lewis Photography - Regina Photographer WWW.RLPHOTO.CA Wedding and life photographer in Regina, Saskatchewan. EDIT - Oh nice, the preview image gets cropped to just boobs on D1P. That's on-brand. The best part of the job is delivering the photos and hearing the clients gush over them. I'm fortunate to have a great full-time job that pays the mortgage and enough for retirement, so I am selective about my weddings and only take 4-5 per year (max). Enough to bring in some extra money (and I charge enough to be considered on the high end), but also low enough to not stress me out.
  8. How the Ukrainians managed to hit the Moskva: Allegedly distress signals have also been recorded from the Moskva, which is on fire (again, allegedly). We know it was hit, we just don't know how bad it is. Apparently sea conditions are quite bad in the region at the moment.
  9. Major Ukrainian bombardment of the Kherson airbase at the moment. Sounds like the Russians decided for the 15th time to park things on the runways and provide target practice.
  10. Also I think people take ideological purity too far sometimes. I believe it's perfectly fine to not want government to do some things, but also be okay with them doing those things sometimes. I get that people will respond with "well what if they come for your opinion/action next?" Well then I'll be against it. But certain opinions/actions are almost universally popular, so I'm not that concerned about it. I mean, Canada on paper has fewer personal freedoms than the US, but I would argue has a much more stable culture and society, especially politically.
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