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Everything posted by CitizenVectron

  1. Apparently one of Russia's largest chemical plants (in Ivanovo Oblast) is on fire. There's been a few...accidents happening recently at large facilities that have been forced to shut down due to sanctions. Speculation is that the owners have been told that if they lay anyone off they will face treason and other charges, so their only option is to literally destroy their facilities in order to have an excuse as to why they are not paying their workers.
  2. He could use money to solve hunger, housing, etc. But sure, why not an ego boost and an edit button?
  3. tl;dr: A majority of the German parliament wants to supply heavy weapons to Ukraine, including Scholz's party...but Scholz himself has held it all up, refusing. So:
  4. I think, just like medium, some release formats benefit some types of stories more than others. Sometimes I appreciate a binge, other times I appreciate waiting and talking a bit, sharing the cultural experience.
  5. From the sounds of it, Macros just destroyed Le Pen on the Russia question, bringing up her loans from Russian banks (that she was unable to justify or defend).
  6. Thread on what to expect from Russia. Basically, that they can only sustain an aggressive offense for a few weeks at most (if that), and if Ukraine can hold then the situation in the east may turn into something similar to what happened in the north (Russian troops being demoralized, without proper reinforcements/supplies, and vulnerable to Ukraine counter-attacks): A few sections:
  7. One of my giant pet peeves of Disney+ is that if you pick the "continue watching" option, you can't then change the episode. Why?! So if I'm binging Futurama and I want to skip and episode, I can't use that feature, I have to find it manually and then navigate to the episode I want. Prime is just as bad because it treats each season like a show, so sometimes it doesn't realize that you want to go from Season 2 to 3, it just ends.
  8. And I bet it's like your gas stations, and they make a Weed Attendant hold the joint for you instead of letting you do it yourself.
  9. And there's a reason that polls show PPC members flocking back to the CPC if Poilievre is the leader.
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