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Everything posted by Amazatron

  1. Cleganebowl lived up to the hype, but I'm not sure anyone asked for the conveniently timed CerseiFuckerbowl (aka MauryPovichbowl).
  2. That guy took matters into his own hands, executed someone under trial, and perverted the course of justice. She killed him as a message that this won’t be tolerated. That’s a far stretch to slaughtering women and children.
  3. I’m fine with Dany’s descent into madness, but it was just handled extremely bizarrely in the show. She had just single handedly won the “battle” for King’s Landing through Drogon activating God Mode and systematically taking out the Iron Fleet and all the Scorpions (don’t get me started on this...), and the Golden Company (LOLOL). There is no more threat to her in the entire city. Then as she’s just chilling on a wall, the surrender bells go off and everything is won, but no, this is the moment her bloodlust kicks in.
  4. That Drogon plot armor is real strong. Also, lol Golden Company, somehow managed to outsuck the Dothraki.
  5. This is a well-thought out criticism from a huge fan of the show...
  6. Bucks look like the favorites, especially with Brogdon back and the ghost of George Hill showing up. Warriors get two shots at winning a game against the Rockets without Durant, should be interesting. They generally play better team basketball when he is out, but they're going to need something from their non-existent bench. I think the Rockets or the Warriors even without Durant beat either the Nuggets or the Blazers. Also, LOL at "genius" Kyrie.
  7. The only times I actually feel lonely are situations when I'm around a lot of people. Living alone has some amazing perks, mostly involving walking around naked for no reason whatsoever.
  8. God I hope he releases his recent tax returns just to prove he's the "most successful businessman" because of this embarrassment. "SEE HOW MUCH MONEY I MADE OFF MY PRESIDENCY AND ALL THIS TAX FRAUD!"
  9. - Good at Trump’s favorite sport - Cheats on wife - Half black and asian so Trump can claim he’s the greatest friend to two minorities
  10. Consistency, don't show one thing and then have something else be the actual result. But yeah, keep the faith. All you need to do is believe!
  11. I saw a handful running back along with Jorah after all the light from the swords was extinguished. But you know, 10%, 50%, what's the difference right? "YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!"
  12. https://www.quora.com/Are-the-Dothraki-all-gone-after-the-Battle-of-Winterfell Oh but the commander said he still has 50% left so it all makes sense.
  13. Sorry, I can’t account for lazy writing where everything conveniently works out.
  14. Amazing considering the entire Dothraki hoard got wiped out in 5 minutes.
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