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Posts posted by Greatoneshere

  1. I liked this past Sunday's episode even more than the premiere as the show begins to dig in and lay out the long term game plan. The main actor Hoa Xuende is doing an incredible job playing smooth and sociable with an entire breadth of things happening behind the eyes underneath the surface. Also if you wanted to know if Chan-wook Park would add another bizarre scene with a squid into something he's made, well, he's done it again. Far less uncomfortable than in Old Boy at least, but weird all the same.


    Getting so much Chan-wook Park all at once is so good.

  2. 46 minutes ago, Xbob42 said:

    This remains a hilarious farce due to the fact that they're raising these "concerns" while a President who opposes them is currently in power. "Hmm, should Biden be able to have the entire Supreme Court and Congress executed and replaced with puppets? Hmmmm... It's a real head scratcher!"


    Of course, this only applies to a universe where Biden is fuckin' rad as hell, not ours.


    It really is galling. Their questions hinge on the idea that because Biden is a normal person, they won't have any repercussions even though if Biden followed through on supreme leader powers, they'd be theoretically fucked. Hell, if they granted them to Trump, he's loyal to no one, so they could still be fucked. Not sure in what way this helps anyone. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Kamusha said:

    I think about this hypothetical a lot. It certainly would have changed the conversation around Kill Bill and how its viewed. But also I fail to see a four hour movie having the kind of success that Tarantino needed at the time. He hadn't released a movie in 6 years and while it has since be reevaluated Jackie Brown was seen as somehwhat of a disappointment after Pulp Fiction so he really needed to bounce back.


    He's screened The Whole Bloody Affair at his Beverley Cinema theater a couple times if that counts.


    I agree, at the time there's no way a 4-hour Tarantino film would be released in theaters, and successfully? Probably not. Especially coming off of Jackie Brown, as you said (and I am glad Jackie Brown has gotten a reassessment since, it's very good). Still, would have been awesome to see. 


    I also believe the Whole Bloody Affair screened once in Philadelphia too, as well as other places. The point is, it exists, and indicates Tarantino considers this to be one film in two parts. 


    Small side note: the House of Blue Leaves scene that is in black and white in the West in Vol. 1 has its colors restored, as Tarantino prefers, on the Japanese DVD for Vol. 1 (though it was clever to use the eye being ripped out to switch to black and white for the scene). That's something else I'd like to see rectified if The Whole Bloody Affair released on bluray or 4K. There is a fan edit I believe that fixes that scene and combines the two movies to essentially create The Whole Bloody Affair, but it'd be nice to get an official release.

  4. 55 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    I've never seen someone this deranged. Now he is bragging how good he looks lmao.  🤣 


    I am blocking this clown now. 


    It's deranged to respond to someone calling you an incel that, based on what others here know about me, is likely not to be true, particularly given I'm married? But sure, I'm the clown responding to ridiculous claims about me. And oh hey, just like I predicted, you didn't follow up you initial, shallow baseless claims with anything substantive. I have never blocked another user so I think this says far more about you than it does about me. 




    And nothing of value was lost. 

  5. 16 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    You always love to say I'm not intelligent. I have a lot of mental health issues that I am currently working on with new medication and a new therapist. I think I'm a smart person who has said some ignorant things in the past. The past...I'm improving myself day by day like you preach so you shouldn't be attacking my intelligence you should be congratulating me. You're extremely arrogant and post on a random message board. You might want to take a look at yourself before criticizing others. You sit on your high horse every single day and post as though everything you say is facts. 


    No, I post every single day as though everything I say is what I believe, based on accumulated evidence over time, since I try not to typically arrive at a point about something without first feeling informed on that thing. And I'm not sure what your mental health issues have to do with your intelligence. Smart people have mental health issues and dumb people have mental health issues. Yes, I do preach improving yourself day to day and I'm glad you're doing that but you can still be not very smart and improve yourself each day and continue to work on your mental health issues separately. Again, I'm not going to get into someone's struggles with mental health, but I'm not seeing the correlation between your mental health issues and me saying you're not very smart with regards to what you say in threads on this board. Again, quote where I was arrogant (you won't). I'm not sure what you want me to take a look at, I'm asking you to point out where I was arrogant and was hating on anyone. I'll respond to what you quote, either explaining myself or agreeing it was arrogant and/or hateful. I'll wait. 


    15 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    Hey genius. My comment was about @best3444 post not @legend  Take a breath and let your mouth catch up with that prodigy brain of yours. 


    Then your comment is even more stupid because that means then, in effect, you're praising someone for succinct, contradictory stupidity over a salient point (since what skillz pointed out was best's flip flopping) I had to presume that you had to be referring to legend because it would be too stupid if you referring to best but indeed I gave you more credit than I should have. 


    14 minutes ago, AlwaysDyingX said:

    Dude Stop. He's obviously a deranged incel that thinks white knighting here will get him somewhere with a woman. I guarantee he hasn't had pussy since pussy had him. 


    I'm married but nice try. And people here have seen pictures of me and know what I look like, so others can vouch for me here but I've never really struggled with women. Maybe because I actually respect them and treat and view them the way they like to be treated and viewed. A shock, I know. I assure you I'm not white knighting anything (simping and white knighting aren't good either, and are actually anti-feminist; you'd know that if you knew what you were talking about). I like how calling out sexism or trying to educate someone on an issue is white knighting (that usually means the person is sexist or an idiot or both then). I am glad however your insecurities and projections are out on full display though. Don't out yourself on your way out the door!

  6. 10 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    I'm done giving you my attention. Say whatever the hell you want. I mostly ignore your posts but sometimes you need to be called out for your arrogance and hatred. I think you are a lawyer so that explains everything I need to know about you. 


    I'm not a lawyer, I used to be but I quit the profession 11 years ago because I didn't enjoy the arrogance, politics and cynicism within that profession. You can always block my posts, it would be absolutely no loss to me. And I'm not sure where I had any arrogance or hatred in this thread? I've seen your posts for years and I made an assessment over time that you're not very smart. Not sure why I should lie and say you are smart when I think you're not. And thinking that knowing someone's profession "explains everything you need to know about someone" is just classic you. :lol: 

  7. 2 hours ago, ort said:

    If anything that should count as a whole other movie, so he's now up to 11.


    But it's the movie he originally wanted to make. It was horrific producer Harvey Weinstein who pushed him to split it into two films. So he finally restores his original vision and you want to say he's made a new movie (for a total of three Kill Bills) rather than cutting two movies back down to one? Does that mean since there are three versions of The Hateful Eight that he's made 13 movies then? :p 


    2 hours ago, Kamusha said:

    If you only watch Kill Bill as two movies then of course you’re gonna view it as two movies lol. But they work much better back to back. I don’t know anyone who has watched both back to back and said they felt like two separate movies.


    Same - it's an enormous epic and is clearly meant to be watched as one. I can't imagine how much minds would have been blown had the 4-hour single film version been released into theaters (or something close to it). So much happens in those two movies it would have been crazy.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    atleast he was able to disagree with Phase in one sentence unlike the guy who writes a essay.


    What are you on about? Legend has made multiple posts so it's not like he made one post with one sentence but nice try. 


    20 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    You're so full of yourself it's gross. I couldn't care less what you think of me. I'm an intelligent adult but i don't take a message board as seriously as you do. You're a joke. 


    11 minutes ago, best3444 said:

    BTW, my post was only directed to @Greatoneshere because he was extremely harsh and personally attacking Phaseknox. He thinks he's some sort of genius it's disgusting. He writes essay after essay in proving his points all over this forum. He is never wrong lol. Just shut your fuckin mouth, dude.


    Where did I personally attack PhaseKnox? Quote it and point it out to me. I'm simply pointing out what I've noticed over time. But any time you are challenged you never actually step up and try to get into a real conversation. it's all reductive, superficial points. I'm pretty sure you have some real problems because you constantly flip flop on issues all the time. In one thread you praise Trump being better than Biden, in another you hate Trump. You'll post on the politics board then complain about the response, say you won't come back, then you do again and again. You say something offensive, double down, then eventually backtrack or apologize. It's a cycle with you. You do this with everything. Skillz just pointed it out in this thread. You tell yourself whatever you want, I don't care. I admit I'm wrong all the time, there's proof in years past in other threads. Writing "essays" is a criticism? You are showing how much of an "intelligent adult" you are. I never once called myself a genius anywhere, so again, you just sound like you don't know what you're talking about. Hopefully this one paragraph doesn't qualify as an "essay" to you. 

  9. 33 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I don’t really recall a bunch of users always getting on my case over the years for liking to play as female characters in video games, but I know that they sometimes make fun of me for it because I’m so adamant about it.


    As I said earlier, I'm talking about years of this on the entertainment board, this board, etc. where this has come up in the past. Not specifically limited to just having some weird, pathological obsession of limiting a large portion of your video game playing to this since it has applied to others things you do in the past. Your adamancy on this issue to me is a confession of the problem I've been pointing out. It comes up rarely, and I never said it was harmful to anyone, but it's still not a good ideology to have.


    33 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I seriously didn’t realize that I was coming across like this. You’re the first to bring it to my attention, and I didn’t know that you had this view of me. It’s a bit disheartening to hear.


    This is why I suggested reading some basic fourth generation feminism. This is what the term "woke" used to mean, to be "woken up" from all of the ingrained negative social norms that society has created over hundreds of years that we've all been subconsciously playing into, in this case, women to be viewed and thought about in certain ways. Same applies to racism, etc. It takes actually reading up and educating ourselves on these things because we're countering societal brainwashing. 


    33 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I appreciate you bringing all of this to my attention, because I guess that I’ve been kind of naive to how I’ve been coming across with my views on certain things and how I’ve been presenting them. I know that I can be hardheaded at times and set in my ways, but I do listen and want to do better.


    Well I definitely appreciate that you're keeping things civil and straightforward. I'd re-read all the posts that have been responding to you in this thread and try to grasp what, exactly, smart users like legend are saying. No one is saying to not enjoy beautiful women, we all do, but the way we do it, the way we think about it, the way that manifests itself in the world all matter. For instance, there's nothing wrong with an incredibly attractive female main character. What's weird is the creator's specific obsession with it. To be like: "I thought sleazily about how much her backside needs to look hot as fuck to dudes because you're staring at her backside the whole game". It's the intent there that's sleazy. It's just sort of gross. I'm pumped for the game, I don't care what the character looks like, but it does speak to heteronormative gender dynamics in art, as yet another reminder that the intent behind why things are done the way they are should have a point or if it's saying more about the artist than anything (that they have weird views on women).


    28 minutes ago, Biggie said:

    You’re fine @Phaseknox  Don’t let the soy boi douche bag get to you. 


    23 minutes ago, best3444 said:


    Yea. This is the most ridiculous thread I've read in a very long time. It's a videogame message board where a user enjoys playing as attractive female protagonists. He is is extremely adamant about to an extent that it can come off a bit odd, but it's none of anyone's concern that he likes it this way. 


    To attack Phaseknox like this is completely over the top and unacceptable. 


    I'm not surprised by this; you two are: (a) not very smart; and (b) he has a history of this, I'm not limiting my comments to only what he said in this thread so maybe you two should step aside since you both usually have no idea what you're talking about. Adults are talking here. The fact you frame me pointing out his sexism as an "attack" is all that needs to be said about your grasp on this issue. I like that trying to educate someone or wake someone up from their ingrained negative social norms is always an "attack" when it gets pointed out on the non-political boards regardless of who is doing it. If you two actually cared about elevating yourselves at all, you'd sit down and listen and learn and try to see that it's never an attack. Legend and Ghost_MH suddenly "attacking" other users when they never do normally? Crazy talk. And I just jumped into this thread on the last page, so I assume you're not just referring to me.

    • Haha 1
  10. 8 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

    I’m not really familiar with the term soft sexism, this is the first that I’ve heard it referred to me. Multiple people haven’t mentioned it over the years over and over. And pathological, ingrained sexism on a subconscious level? Clearly deep, pathological problems? I didn’t realize that I was coming across like that. And I don’t recall saying that anyone was wrong about anything. However, I don’t deny that I do need to work on myself in some ways.


    I'm surprised that you find it surprising you're coming off like that. I have to ask then: why do you think a bunch of users always get on your case about this over the years? Like, did you find this to be some strange mystery every time? They may not have termed it "soft sexism" but they were essentially saying that in other ways over the years, myself included. Soft sexism means you're sexist, but not in a particularly overt or galling way, just under the radar. It may not even affect women in real life, but you have a bad, patriarchally ingrained sexism that maintains a certain status quo in your head and your life that is ideologically unhealthy. You've so bought in to it that you think you're fine, your views on this are fine, and you make your views nice and presentable so they're palatable even though the views themselves are cringy and somewhat offputting. I wish you'd open your mind up to what all of us are saying and at least try to attempt some self-examination on this issue, just to try and see what we're all talking about. Instead you double down on wild rage clickbait conspiracy theories that are adjacent to getting red pilled. In the past I'd break down all of your posts in this thread to show you in all the ways this is troubling but I've done that before and your mind doesn't change at all. Three users in this thread this time did the same and you're still defending yourself and your views. So I'm not sure it's worth bothering for me to do so. Your cognitive dissonance is strong on this issue.

  11. We already have a thread on Blood Meridian, and I think John Logan and John Hillcoat are a great pair to pull this off. People told Hillcoat The Road was unfilmable and he did as good a job as one can with that, so hopefully the same happens here.



    New Regency Adapting Cormac McCarthy’s ‘Blood Meridian’ Into Feature Film With John Hillcoat Directing DEADLINE.COM New Regency is adapting Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian, widely considered one of the greatest works of American literature, as a feature film I recently rewatched The Proposition ...


  12. 4 hours ago, Phaseknox said:

    I do feel as if I’ve probably had this same conversation too many times at this point, it does feel like going around in circles. I guess that I just can’t resist the topic since I primarily like playing as female characters in games these days. I don’t mean to cause a stir with any of it, I just like to discuss this stuff since I enjoy gaming and talking with other gamers about the hobby. We’re of course not always going to agree or see eye to eye on things, but that just comes with the territory in general. Regardless I still like to get other perspectives on things, because I like to see where others are coming from.


    It's good to be open and wanting to discuss things, but when you say things like: "I don't mean to cause a stir with any of it", the reason you are causing a stir is because the things you're saying are softly sexist. Should we not call you out when you do so? You just going: "no it's not soft sexism" when multiple people over the years have told you otherwise over and over just makes you seem disingenuous. 


    Saying "of course we're not always going to agree or see eye to eye on things" is like saying that we don't agree on what racism is, or that nazis are bad. This isn't about debating our favorite pizza toppings, this is about pathological, ingrained sexism on a subconscious level on your part. Whether you work on yourself and admit that to yourself or not is up to you, but that's why this always causes a stir. You have some clearly deep, pathological problems when it comes to this specifically. You have everyone from responsible, smart users like @Ghost_MH to @legend to @Keyser_Soze explaining this yet again to you in this thread. They're wrong? I'm wrong? We're all wrong? But just on this topic, not other topics? C'mon.

    • Thanks 2
  13. 32 minutes ago, Phaseknox said:

    I don’t have regressive gender values, and I’m not sexist. Quite the opposite actually, because sexists refuse to play as female characters in games regardless of what they look like. I just happened to develop what I consider to be a mental condition where I primarily desire to play as female characters in games now as opposed to male ones, and I think that part of it is due to me playing as so many male characters over the years. I got tired of playing as them all the time, and I was also starting to find them less appealing as main characters as well. I tend to prefer the attitudes, personalities and voice actors of female characters. As for what they look like, I just like the characters that I play as in games in general to be what I consider appealing, attractive and cool looking regardless of their gender.


    We've had this conversation numerous times in the past, others have had this conversation with you numerous times in the past, which is why I didn't bother this time. You have others now, again, having this conversation with you and you're still not getting it. You've rationalized and justified it to yourself for so long that what I just quoted sounds normal to you. You sound pathological to me. You post rage clickbait videos full of BS. You're somewhat down a bad rabbit hole, but you don't want to see it. I'm not gonna continue to bother myself, but here we are again with this.


    I would seriously catch up on at least some basic fourth generation feminism reading/videos and then re-read the things you've written in this thread. You won't, but it'd help. 

    • Haha 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Jason said:


    Easy to have a flawless record if you just say the duds don't count. :lol:


    To be fair, Quentin Tarantino's screenplay for the film is out there and it is pretty different and I'm sure if he directed it, it would have been directed significantly different. Though I like Stone's version of Natural Born Killers, so not sure I'd call it a dud. It's certainly divisive though. Critics were certainly offended by parts of the movie when it came out, but looking at the audience score on RT and the IMDb score, time has been kind to the film.

  15. 21 minutes ago, skillzdadirecta said:

    This showed up in my feed today.


    Perfect series to watch while I wait for Kengan Asura Season 2 Part 2 and the Kengan/ Baki Crossover.


    This is one that's definitely on my radar but since it hasn't started yet I left it off my list since I'm unsure if it'll be as good as Kengan Ashura or Baki with no reviews or word of mouth yet but it looks good. Definitely has potential I think.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Ghost_MH said:

    I have such a soft spot for tsundere leads in action series. We really don't get them all that often. Haruka being a try hard cupcake that can actually kick some serious ass is a lot of fun. I'll definitely keep up with your one and then maybe even pick up the manga afterwards. I already have the manga bookmarked in the Kodansha's app.


    Should note. This is based on my impression after 3 episodes. It could certainly fall off from here, but Cloverworks has a damn good track record.


    Yeah, CloverWorks' involvement definitely helped in noting this show above others. And a dub! Tsundere leads make for frequently crazy ass times so that helps build the hype meter. Keep me posted but if it's strong 3 episodes in that's a good sign.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mercury33 said:

    Haven’t watched the finale yet. But as a non book reader I can say I wasn’t/am not expecting a large battle of any kind. That would actually be pretty disappointing if there was one haha. The political and social maneuvering is what makes the story great and that’s how I’m hoping it finishes its story. 


    That's promising to hear! I hope most people who didn't read the book "get" that what happened in episode 9 was the battle. Obviously all of these characters are based on real historical people (just the names have been changed and how things went down embellished) so of course there were battles in real life but that's not how it works for this specific story (the Battle of Sekigahara being very famous, as one example).

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