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Everything posted by Best

  1. I like it. Its definitely OLD school and has gaming mechanics from 1999. I love the series that much I'm willing to look past it's flaws. Anybody else that's not a fan should stay far away.
  2. Yup. Playing now. It's like playing the direct sequel to part 2 in 2001. I love it so far!
  3. I just got done eating our holiday meal at work. I'm full AND relaxed. You hungry yet?
  4. You're just sick in the head. I just explained myself. Not sure how that makes it "easy". You're fucking childish.
  5. I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. It was summer of last year. I know my life. Sorry you're wrong. Her name was Amanda. Now go do a search on her and try to put the puzzle together you sick fuck. Also, why would I lie about this? I literally never lie about anything like this. You've got issues. I brought up Stephen because I was talking about going to this cave site for a date.
  6. I went on dates with them. You think you know everything jesus. In fact, I dated the one for a month. Stephen maybe remembers.
  7. Match.com worked for me. I met two women that way.
  8. When I played the demo of Superman 64 at funcoland and confirmed in my head it was worthy of buying. That's a plot twist in my gaming life I'll never forget.
  9. I need to sit down and really focus on this game. Been under the influence playing this game so far.
  10. Aww. That's extremely unfortunate. I hope she finds a good home.
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