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Everything posted by best3444

  1. Ok. Not into that. Oddly enough I use older porn stars that were big growing up. I don't know of any newer stars today.
  2. No that's not my point. After killing this particular person the main area in the game has become closed off. So I decided to head to the main objective and it told me if I proceed I'd basically die because I'm under leveled. So now I'm stuck lol.
  3. This is a great thread. I'm more of a transformation kinda guy. Maybe I'm a Louisiana guy. 😆
  4. Hmm...I'm speaking to everyone around the grove and all they say is to get the fuck outta dodge because of the goblin attack that's coming. It is a bit strange that I would be too weak to tackle the very first quest that was given to me. I'll keep searching for quests I guess.
  5. I sometimes look at the thread in entertainment and you do fly through books. My mom absolutely loves to read and I didn't pick up on that at all.
  6. No, it had nothing to do with your response. You said you drink at your job yet your sober? I'm confused.
  7. I remember when Pizza Hut had a big New Yorker. This was 21 years ago and it was so freakin good. They used to be really good but they got cheap with ingredients and now it's awful.
  8. It's definitely a hell of a diverse list. Your list is very good, too. I should have kept my list updated but I got lazy.
  9. I'm just glad I'm enjoying it this much. I love fantasy like this and they nail that here. The combat is exhilarating because every thing you do means so much. The music is beautiful.
  10. No. I had a little money left from my very last paycheck so I made the decision to buy this. Now I cannot buy anything else but it's ok. I'm glad I bought this because it's a lot better than I was anticipating. If you can afford it, I'd buy this right now.
  11. Go it, thank you. I'll just explore and speak to everyone. I'm not used to something this complex so I just need to take my time. The characters and voice acting are so good. I actually want to do side quests.
  12. Yes, I bought it. Completely worth it. So fuckin good I had to quit at a difficult spot but I wanted to keep playing. @Bacon I'm still early on making my way to the bandit camp. But I ran into a group of enemies with a dragon next to them. They completely trashed my entire party. I'm on the main quest and level 3. Am I supposed to be heading this way? Or should I find side quests in the cove to level up then proceed that way?
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