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Everything posted by Best

  1. You should see the patients relief after he does it. Let me see if I can find it. It's like a 1 minute video. Videos are too long. I won't post it.
  2. I see one Chiropractor on YouTube that litteraly saves lives with one technique he calls "the ring dinger". He pulls the patients head towards his body and aligns everything from the neck to the feet.
  3. @chakoo I appreciate your support where others don't understand. Thanks
  4. My mom made pork that was in the crokpot since around 6am. The meat was so tender and I put this southern barbecue sauce on that was delicious. Homemade mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut.
  5. lol. Good for you. I just had a new year's dinner and it was delicious.
  6. Sorry if this sounds sadistic but after what Epstein did for years I truly hope there is a hell where he is burning in eternal flames with nonstop pain.
  7. You really underestimate the huge amount of drunks off today.
  8. Nice. If I remember correctly you stopped drinking so what prompted you to try that out?
  9. For 1998 yea, that must have been incredible. It's just to dates for me now.
  10. This is not juvenile in anyway. This is a mature game with mature themes. Sexual harassment, abuse, suicide, etc. Yea, you play as a HS student but this is no child's game. I just got done another session and it just keeps getting better. I haven't been this addicted to a game in forever. I HIGHLY recommend this game.
  11. @Biggie How was the beer? Get a nice buzz?
  12. Hell of a year @stepee! You played all the big games so that is phenomenal.
  13. Any time on New Years day is prime time. Everyone is off drinking by 11am.
  14. Unfortunately Xenogears is way too old school for me to play. I just watched videos on YouTube and it's not for me.
  15. Chrono Trigger has absolutely beautiful music. I played a lot of Xenoblade Chronicles 3 as well and that was a delight as well.
  16. Very sorry to hear. Trust me, I know what that pain is like. I had to say one last goodbye to my identical twin brother in the hospital by giving him a kiss on his forehead. He wasn't able to speak etc so it was and will always be the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I get that image in my head and immediately I break down in tears. Losing loved ones is terrible but I believe we will be reunited again. Just my personal belief. You will see your grandmother again.
  17. I'm 12 hours in now and this game continues to evolve and become more interesting and better in so many ways. The upgrading, crafting, and social aspects are stuff I've never seen before. Boy, if this keeps it up I don't know what to say. I litteraly cannot stop playing and I'm so interested in what is going to happen next. Then add on the fact this looks so fuckin gorgeous on the oled this is definitely something else. Reviews are spot on.
  18. Never even heard of The Messenger. I'm checking out Sea of Stars later today. Thanks for the info, though.
  19. Best

    it da new year

    2024 sounds so futuristic. Yet nothing is that much different from 24 years ago. Except amazing leaps in phone technology and the birth of social media. And the death of physical media. I guess that is some big changes. I wonder what it's going to be like 25 years from now?
  20. Best

    it da new year

    Yep. Happy New Year!
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