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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. You were the first person in this thread that explicitly mentioned their unhappiness with each other. Hell, you even used the word hate multiple times. No one else is speaking like that, at least not until you lowered the discourse. You’re literally shouting at a mirror.
  2. I have a friend who I’ve know for the past 10-12 years. His family moved to the mainland from Hawaii when he was in 8th grade. According to him, Hawaii isn’t even a state. It’s an illegal occupation. I’ve never dug too much, but he brings it up every chance he has.
  3. There are many things the president does these days that makes me feel ashamed to be an American. That article however, made me ashamed to be human.
  4. Trump’s lastest statement: “In a key sentence of the constitution the founders used the phrase separation of church and state. Upon reviewing the transcript I realized this is an error. What they meant to say was fuck everything, what I say goes.”
  5. He wants a second meeting to start implementing what they discussed, which means he made a number of agreements this past Monday.
  6. I mean this genuinely: what purpose does impeachment or the 25th amendment serve if not for this? Like, I wish Congress would repeal and amend those provisions, because parading them around under the guise of “if things get bad enough” is pure horseshit.
  7. I really try to refrain from the whole “can you imagine if Obama..,” because while amusing to illustrate Republican hypocrisy, it really only drives a deeper partisan wedge. But I cannot help myself here. Can you imagine if Obama was considering shipping US citizens overseas to be interrogated, or inviting Russians to US soil to interview Americans? Like holy fucking shit.
  8. Facebook’s problem is they allow all points of view, even ones that are objectively false or hateful. They believe this makes them look tolerant and reasonable, when in fact it does the opposite.
  9. I'm sure most of you here are already familiar, but I just came across emptywheel a few days ago. Reading over her blog posts has been fascinating. Anyone else read her stuff on Russia?
  10. Hi my name is Tucker Swanson McNear Carlson. :unzips pants:
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