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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. 'Nervous' cop accuses innocent black men of drugs and weapons https://nypost.com/video/bodycam-footage-shows-iowa-cop-allegedly-racially-profile-driver/
  2. “America was never that great” qualifies as a political career killer. That is a shocking low bar. Coming from Donald Trump it is especially rich (even though he isn’t).
  3. If only we could go back to the good ole days when unprotected premarital sex and drug use was rampant among boomers.
  4. Bruce Ohr is literally a right-wing boogeyman. His involvement in so minuscule, he hardly warrants mention amongst legitimate publications.
  5. People pay well more than million dollars to make minor shit GO AWAY. Being afraid to release a tape of the President of the United States saying the n-word, because of a $1 million fine, makes you a little bitch.
  6. To an audio tape of Trump saying the n word. It used to just be internet rumblings, and then random celebs saying they’ve heard it, then White House staff saying he said it. Now we have audio of White House and campaign staff saying Trump is embarrassed for saying it.
  7. There was a time I believe such a tape could be a turning point. I think that time is far, far gone. If anything it will make his base feel vindicated. “Here’s the powerful man in the world, and he speaks just like me.”
  8. Didn’t Omarosa leave around January? She probably saw all the hoopla Fire and Fury created back then and wanted to swoop in on that sweet sweet action.
  9. Hannity regularly takes Fridays off. I hate that I know that.
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