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Everything posted by osxmatt

  1. I know it’s been this way for a while, but I recently had a realization that Donald Trump, on most issues, is in a no-lose situation. If he does something that people like, well, the ramifications of that are pretty obvious. If he does something that people don’t like, it excites Republicans and his base more than if he did something they liked in the first place. He literally can do anything, and nothing matters.
  2. That’s why I asked if he was being literal. Fall begins on 9/22. No way he actually waits that long for a vote.
  3. McConnell just said on the Senate floor that “we’ll be voting on a replacement this fall.” There’s no way he was being literal, right?
  4. Any chance Dems use the GOP’s line and ask that “people vote on it this November,” win the Senate and at least try and replace Kennedy with another Kennedy?
  5. It seems Trumpism aka suck it libs aka triggering tears aka conservative only when it benefits you aka conservatism has made its way to the SC.
  6. Is he talking about the rally she had the other day? While I don’t in any way agree with her sentiments, she didn’t say to harm people.
  7. I love Trump's newly pinned tweet. It's basically the equivalent of "I was only pretending to be retarded." BUILD A WALL. BAN ALL MUSLIMS. ROUND UP ALL ILLEGALS. SHITHOLE COUNTRIES. CHINA IS RAPING US. fuck off racist. THIS IS WHY TRUMP WON.
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