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Everything posted by ByWatterson

  1. He's a shameless self-promoter, but.... have any of his boasts fallen flat yet? He's kind of batting 1.000.
  2. Unpopular opinion: Maybe they shouldn't have made the exact same game, with basically zero gameplay, over and over again.
  3. It is, and here's why, I think: audiences RUIN Marvel films. They're set up to uproariously laugh at EVERYTHING, tuned like mousetraps. It robs whole scenes of drama when light comic relief is greeted with a functional laugh track. When you add it all up, I walk away feeling like I just digested a creampuff comedy rather than a really well-structured, acted, and written film. Leads into your question @SaysWho? - I still find the Thor/GOTG movies too silly, hokey, and Ragnarok in particular is a 100% comedy which, while interesting in the pantheon, feels rather like Jedi Rocks to me. Too out of place, too cute, too insistent on doing something different for no real reason. And the ones with obvious weaknesses (Iron Man 2's writers' orgy, for instance) are still problematic. But the mainline Avengers films, all three Cap films, Black Panther, Iron Man, Iron Man 3, and Spider-Man all just nail the comics, care about the world and the characters, and feel less like the candy they do when accompanied by an audience, and more like high achievement in pop art.
  4. Watching basically the entire MCU catalog at home recently, I've done a complete 180. This is a special, special film accomplishment, and I can only cheer that the people that have proven so reliable will take on even more American mythological icons (because that's what superheroes are, really). Also, WHEN WILL THE CAP MOVIES COME TO 4K JESUS.
  5. But Congress can't tell FBI to do anything. Pretty sure POTUS has sole authority here to, at best, order a further background check. And he won't.
  6. Correct. I'm inclined to believe Ford, but this strikes me as an abdication of responsibility. You start this in WaPo, you have to finish it in the Senate - now. Also, FBI? With what jurisdiction? Are there federal attempted rape laws I don't know about?
  7. Eh, busy. Two kids now, always working or super tired. BUT ELECTIONS ARE COMING UP.
  8. This nearly guarantees that Year 2 of Destiny 2 will be a huge success. The addiction is real.
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