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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I think I did circuit switch in my head there! That is definitely NOT the right chuck for this thread!
  2. Sure it did! They don't have a job to go to, they can't jog around the neighborhood "anymore", and they've stopped having sex so they have no reason to keep fit, and its all those fukcin' [insert minority preoperative here]' fault! Rest assured though, beneath all that meat and grizzle lays the hard body of a ripped 3rd Reich'r!
  3. Sure, sure, but chuck it where its at! Just look at that ridiculous hair!
  4. That's a harder one for me to answer because its been a minute since I played DOS2. That said, I remember dying more in DOS2, so maybe its the harder game?
  5. So far I'm cruising through this DLC. I've been exploring and picked up the power up "fleebs" ( I'm too old to keep remembering the names of various power ups in games, so I call them all Fleebs) and I've been dropping bosses and dragons fairly well. I would guess I'm about 50% of the way through the DLC now. I haven't tried any of the new weapons, but I will this weekend.
  6. Came to say this, well done sir!
  7. Its easy really. The average person is exposed to hundreds of narrative arcs every week (maybe every day). But their own narrative arc is the primary one, it TRUMPS the others. Like a focal window for your eyes while driving. Things move pretty fast, and your focal clarity is actually quite limited. Now most of these schleps are like any person on Earth, they just want to be loved and admired, but are likely failing at their given sub culture ideals. So they grumble, avoid reality because that sucks, and sit around with others feeling sorry for themselves or maybe play at being the local king of shit mountain. Into these typical, but still tragic, social depression zones enters a "charismatic" (what this means varies widely, given the culture) piped piper who tells them, actually we are the best and the reason you and your neighbor aren't me, but you totally could be, because look I'm one of you, is because of those damn [insert minority group here]. They took your jobs! (they didn't and you won't want the jobs they do suffer through) They made your neighborhoods get worse! (your politicians and big business did that) They stole your women (remember, women don't think for themselves). All it takes is a small vocal group to start absorbing more thought members and ball rapidly picks up speed, rolling down hill. People get more easily energized around a common enemy than a series of personal failures they have to account for. So this process generates plenty of energy. And while they are galvanized by that energy, it lowers the issues between them, because they are now focusing and exporting their anger and hate out of their immediate community, always to a conceptual future battlefield. People are good at many things, but self deception and diffused personal responsibility is where we truly excel as a species! TL;DR - it will always be more emotionally appealing to most people to look at the flaws in others than to look to our selves, and there will always be a hype person waiting in the wings to capitalize on that sad truth.
  8. I'm really impressed with you ethical handling of our business arrangements! As a token of my respect, here's a pocket full of money. Do something nice for yourself, you're a good person and you deserve it.
  9. Its a shame the internet is so loud. Souls is hard y'all, that's part of the magic. A patch to make it easier is sad, because wrap it up how you like, you know it was not the team's original vision.
  10. PSA: Religion is brain rot. Be braver about your inevitable death and while you are still breathing, seek to do the least harm you can to your fellow person and planet.
  11. Well, that's just factual. I'll add that its clearly monetized as well, so once again another Earth deity's finances directly impact the health and well being of their devotees.
  12. Fire is my preferred hot sauce when committing The Bell.
  13. Sorry, too busy fighting the WoKe agenda brah!
  14. I've played all three and I prefer BG3 to D:OS2, and I LOVED D:OS2. #Oneinternetperonsopinion
  15. Each Larian game is an evolution of the previous. BG3 is, in almost everyway, superior to D:OS2, and 2 is superior to D:OS1. Its been a nice are of upward growth of craftsmanship and talent development for Larian.
  16. I use to like people, but now I work nearly exclusively with "very important people" so now my life is full of self important assholes. That said, its my fault, and its my responsibility to fix it by changing gears and finding a group of folks that are a little less concerned with status and money and a lot more interested in enjoying what a day might have to offer. So that said, am I surrounded by assholes? YES! Buuut, its because I'm living an asshole life, so who's fault is that? This guy!
  17. 1. Complete the raising of my children 2. Move to an environment that better matches my wife and I 3. Spend the last part of my life working a little and helping others 4. Spend my remaining free time with my best friend, my wife 5. Read a whole lot more than I do now 6. Die relatively not horribly
  18. I did for roughly 15 minutes when I gave my PS5 to my visiting brother in law.
  19. By the end of this run I'm sure the World and I will have had quite enough of each other. Please cook and serve me to the soils!
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